Maintenance Management

Best Maintenance Management Software: Features, Comparison & Use Cases

In this blog post, we review some of the best maintenance management software for enterprises in 2024. We also explain how Facilio (that’s us) is an evolutionary leap forward in O&M tech.

Traditional approaches and legacy systems are quickly becoming relics of the past, unable to keep up with the dynamic demands of modern FM.

Today's leaders need solutions that not only streamline maintenance planning, scheduling, tracking, and execution but also deliver this data in real time and at scale.

Moving beyond the basic record-keeping functionalities of yesterday's software, today's property operations platforms are a leap forward. They combine the agility of a platform-first approach with the cutting-edge capabilities of IoT for real-time data collection and analysis.

This powerful synergy brings every stakeholder—both internal and external—onto a unified platform, facilitating seamless collaboration and information flow.

Imagine the power to make well-informed decisions with comprehensive data at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere, revolutionizing the way maintenance is planned, executed, and reported across your extensive portfolio.

This article presents the top 14 maintenance management software solutions for 2024. From scalable platforms that cater to the broad needs of asset-intensive enterprises to technician-focused CMMS designed for specific operational efficiencies, we cover the spectrum to help you find the perfect fit for your business needs.

You can also book a demo right now with Facilio to see the maintenance management module in action in real time.

Tailor your CMMS to align with your requirements, rather than conforming to its limitations.

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What is maintenance software?

Maintenance software is a tool that helps organizations plan, execute, and track maintenance activities. It streamlines scheduling repairs, conducting preventive maintenance, and managing maintenance requests and inventories.

This software can range from simple databases for tracking maintenance tasks to complex systems integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) for real-time equipment health monitoring.

Maintenance software helps reduce downtime, extend the asset lifespan, ensure compliance with safety standards, and optimize operational efficiency.

Adaptable, self-serve maintenance management software. Learn More

Best maintenance management software comparison

In the following section, let’s review 14 popular maintenance management platforms. Each has earned strong reviews for helping streamline facility operations effectively and efficiently

  1. Facilio
  2. Asset Essentials CMMS
  3. Axxerion CMMS
  4. Azzier
  5. Corrigo CMMS
  6. DirectLine
  7. eMaint
  8. eWorkOrders CMMS
  9. FaciliWorks CMMS
  10. Fiix CMMS
  11. FMX CMMS
  12. FSI CMMS
  13. FTMaintenance
  14. Hippo CMMS

1. Facilio

Facilio is a cutting-edge, adaptable maintenance management software that stands out in the CMMS market with its unique blend of flexibility, automation, and comprehensive asset lifecycle management.

Top-tier Maintenance Management Software | Facilio
Facilio is the most intuitive CMMS maintenance software to streamline facilities management and building operations in 2023.

Key functionalities include automated work orders, 360° asset lifecycle insights, powerful workflows, and real-time analytics, all accessible through a mobile app.

Trusted by enterprises globally and managing over 150 million square feet, Facilio delivers significant operational efficiencies, such as a 40% reduction in asset downtime.

Its modular approach allows you to customize and scale your facility management solutions, ensuring that each can achieve the true value of your properties.

Whether for routine maintenance, inspections, or full-scale asset management, Facilio offers a robust, user-friendly solution to streamline operations, cut costs, and enhance facility performance.

Key features:

  • Benefit from a flexible and self-serve software environment that enable customization to meet the unique operational and maintenance (O&M) needs of your business
  • Gain insights like mean time to repair/replace, extra cost, lifecycle cost, downtime/uptime, work orders, and more by integrating with your existing BIM/data models
  • Automate work order creation and view open and past work orders, next scheduled work orders for a structured maintenance activity
  • Streamline approvals based on priority and trigger automatic notifications and automate resource allocation, eliminating bottlenecks
  • Facilitate real-time collaboration and reporting on uptime metrics, maintenance history, equipment repository, lifecycle analysis, and budgeting

Most suitable for industries:

  • Commercial portfolios
  • Corporate facilities
  • FM services
  • Healthcare
  • Education
  • Retail

Enterprises like British Land and Tuten Labs leverage Facilio to not only meticulously track and manage assets but also to orchestrate dynamic maintenance schedules, intelligently optimize energy consumption, and ensure adherence to complex regulatory frameworks.

Rating - 4.0 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐(Based on Capterra reviews )

The quickest and easiest way to get an overview of what Facilio is and what it can do is to watch this 10-min explainer video:

Interested to see Facilio in action?

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2. Asset Essentials CMMS:

Asset Essentials CMMS is a comprehensive maintenance management solution with powerful work order management and preventive maintenance capabilities.

Key features:

  • Capture parts transactions, access reference materials, track work offline, and barcode-scan assets using the mobile app
  • Leverage Esri ArcGIS integration to manage and maintain geographic information system (GIS) assets
  • Identify and maintain poorly performing assets with IoT remote asset management
    Best for: Sectors like government, senior living, and clubs & associations.

3. Axxerion CMMS:

Axxerion CMMS is a versatile maintenance management solution offering a comprehensive suite of features. It is designed to cover various aspects of maintenance and is a go-to choice for organizations seeking an all-encompassing solution for their maintenance needs.

Key features:

  • Manage execution of key projects including property purchases, construction projects, and asset updates
  • Streamline invoices and purchase orders
  • Access reports and dashboards in real-time

Best for: Residential and commercial estate, government, and industries like manufacturing.

4. Azzier:

Azzier stands out in the maintenance management landscape for providing a customizable solution. Organizations benefit from the flexibility to tailor their maintenance processes according to their specific requirements, making Azzier a versatile choice.

Key features:

  • Interface module allows full data exchange across all Azzier CMMS database tables
  • Two-way integration with various software packages, including finance and asset monitoring systems
  • Screen Design Module enables modification of Azzier screens for a personalized user experience on all devices

Best for: Industries like broadcast media, transportation, and manufacturing.

5. Corrigo CMMS:

Corrigo CMMS is recognized for its emphasis on responsive maintenance management, fostering communication and collaboration within teams. Ideal for organizations prioritizing swift issue resolution, Corrigo is a valuable tool in enhancing operational efficiency.

Key features:

  • Templated best practices catered to industry
  • Enjoy configurable flexibility as you scale
  • Unify mobile and desktop experiences

Best for: Industries like public sector, manufacturing, and facility management.

6. DirectLine:

DirectLine offers a solid maintenance management platform, catering to the fundamental needs of organizations. Known for its reliability, DirectLine is a straightforward choice for those seeking a dependable solution to streamline their maintenance workflows.

Key features:

  • Built-in reports that can be easily customized
  • A flexible scheduler to create fixed or floating completion dates and update tasks any time
  • Provides the tools to evaluate, prioritize, and execute major capital projects

Best for: Industries like food and beverage, manufacturing, and education.

7. eMaint:

eMaint is a widely used maintenance management software known for its robust features, including asset and work order management. It provides organizations with a centralized platform to efficiently track and manage their maintenance activities, ensuring optimal equipment performance.

Key features:

  • Regulatory compliance
  • Detailed parts inventory management
  • Interactive floor plans and multi-site capabilities

Best for: Churches and nonprofits and industries like energy and utilities and restaurants.

8. eWorkOrders CMMS:

eWorkOrders CMMS is a user-friendly maintenance management solution designed to simplify work order processes. With features like preventive maintenance scheduling and inventory management, it caters to organizations looking for an intuitive platform to enhance their maintenance workflows.

Key features:

  • Integrated Geographic Information System (GIS)
  • Enhanced image mapping technology
  • Automated document management

Best for: Industries like agriculture and farming, senior living, and airports.

9. FaciliWorks CMMS:

FaciliWorks CMMS is recognized for its comprehensive approach to maintenance management, offering features such as asset tracking and preventive maintenance. It appeals to organizations seeking a well-rounded solution to address their facility maintenance needs.

Key features:

  • Manage assets, maintenance, tools, suppliers, personnel and so much more from a single platform
  • Multi-level security and electronic signature
  • Corrective maintenance also tracked as thoroughly as preventative maintenance

Best for: Industries like manufacturing, education, and retail.

10. Fiix CMMS:

Fiix CMMS is a cloud-based maintenance management platform that focuses on optimizing asset performance. With features like mobile accessibility and powerful reporting tools, Fiix is a suitable choice for organizations aiming to maximize the efficiency of their maintenance operations.

Key features:

  • Mobile access for logging work and updating status
  • A fully cloud-based CMMS; remote access for maintenance teams
  • Easy tracking of maintenance history, performance metrics, and replacement forecasting

Best for: Industries like oil and gas, heavy equipment, and manufacturing.


FMX CMMS is a user-friendly maintenance management solution that streamlines facility operations and simplifies preventive maintenance.

Key features:

  • Intuitive, easy-to-navigate interface
  • Customizable work orders according to specific needs
  • Integrated maintenance scheduling with an easy-to-use calendar view

Best for: Industries like property management, education, and healthcare.


FSI CMMS provides a comprehensive suite of facilities management tools, including maintenance and asset management. With a focus on scalability and adaptability, FSI serves as a robust solution for organizations looking to efficiently manage their facilities.

Key features:

  • Deploy a comprehensive, standardized, and scalable cloud-based software
  • Detailed reports and tracking
  • Automated preventive maintenance scheduling

Best for: Industries like healthcare, public sector, and ISO.

13. FTMaintenance:

FTMaintenance is a feature-rich maintenance management software designed for organizations of all sizes. It’s a scalable solution with modules for work orders, preventive maintenance, and inventory management.

Key features:

  • Centralized asset tracking system
  • Optimized MRO inventory management
  • Automated everyday work order creation, completion, and task tracking

Best for: Government and industries like construction and healthcare.

14. Hippo CMMS:

Hippo CMMS is known for its user-friendly interface and cloud-based maintenance management features. With capabilities ranging from work order management to asset tracking, Hippo provides organizations with a modern and accessible solution for their maintenance requirements.

Key features:

  • Capture and share data to boost asset reliability, avoid unscheduled downtime, and cut costs
  • Efficient, reliable workflows that put you in control of maintenance
  • Reliable automated reports that improve visibility and create accountability

Best for: Industries like food and beverage, manufacturing, and municipalities.

Related Read: Top 10 Best CMMS Software

Key features of maintenance management software

At its core, maintenance management is an organized approach to defining, coordination, execution, and monitoring of maintenance tasks. Such software typically comprises the following features:

  • Maintenance schedule - Automating maintenance schedules ensures all assets receive necessary maintenance at the right time, reducing the chances of equipment failure and extending asset lifespans.
  • Work order management and monitoring - Prioritizing work orders based on urgency and importance ensures that critical assets are maintained or repaired first. Learn more on Best Work Order Management Software
  • Maintenance logs - Recording maintenance activities in logs helps in quickly diagnosing and solving issues with critical assets. It saves technicians’ time and helps make informed decisions about maintenance strategies, potentially reducing future breakdowns and improving asset reliability.
  • Maintenance work checklist - A maintenance work checklist ensures all necessary steps in the maintenance process are completed, thereby minimizing human errors and oversights.
  • Proactive maintenance - Enforcing proactive maintenance, such as predictive and preventative maintenance, can help technicians address equipment issues before they escalate into major problems. Email alerts and notification triggers, help alert the concerned stakeholders about the machine's health.
  • Inventory tracking - Having this feature in maintenance software provides real-time visibility into parts and supplies availability. It also alerts the stakeholders when inventory is low.
  • Reporting and analytics - Access to the detailed reports and analytics will help management understand maintenance trends, track performance, and make data-driven decisions. This facilitates better planning, budgeting, and optimization of the maintenance process, leading to increased efficiency and reduced costs.
Download: A Cheatsheet on the Top 8 KPIs for Facility Managers

8 Types of maintenance software

Maintenance software vary in complexity and functionality, catering to the specific needs of different industries and operations. Here are the primary types of maintenance software:

1. Computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS) - Centralizes maintenance information and helps manage work orders, track assets, schedule maintenance, and keep historical records of all maintenance activities.

2. Enterprise asset management (EAM) software - Besides maintenance, it includes asset procurement, commissioning, operation, and disposal. Learn more on Best EAM Software

3. Facility management software - Focuses on facility and asset management, including features for space planning, real estate leasing, and environmental sustainability. Learn more on Facility Management Software

4. Predictive maintenance (PdM) software - Uses data from various sensors and devices to predict equipment failures before they happen by analyzing trends and performing diagnostics. Learn more on Best Predictive Maintenance Software

5. Preventive maintenance software - Focuses on scheduling and tracking routine maintenance tasks to prevent equipment failure. Learn more on Best Preventive maintenance software

6. Asset performance management (APM) software - Combines data analytics, condition monitoring, and predictive maintenance features to optimize asset health and performance.

7. Maintenance scheduling software - Allocates resources, estimates time requirements, and ensures that maintenance tasks are completed within the scheduled timelines.

8. Inventory management software for maintenance - Tracks inventory levels, orders parts, and coordinates with suppliers to ensure necessary material is always available without overstocking. Check out Parts Inventory Management Software

Platforms like Facilio leverage the capabilities of all these software types into a single, comprehensive cloud solution. By integrating seamlessly with existing systems and incorporating data from IoT devices, Facilio provides complete visibility and control over operations and maintenance (O&M) at a platform scale.

Discover how platforms enable centralization and streamlining of portfolio-scale facilities O&M in this guide:  A Guide to Enterprise-wide Facilities Operations & Maintenance (How Facilio Stands Out)

Maintenance management software use cases

In asset-intensive industries, simplified work order administration and extended asset lifespans can only be achieved through a platform that provides a holistic view of facility operations and facilitates real-time information flow between teams for devising data-driven maintenance strategies. In this section, we discuss how maintenance management software helps mitigate real-world challenges to achieve the desired optimization-oriented outcomes.

Use Case1: Clear and effective communication between all O&M stakeholders

CAFM systems often prioritize technicians, neglecting broader stakeholder needs. This results in challenges like reduced communication, collaboration hurdles, and an inability to adapt to diverse operational requirements.

How Facilio solves the problem

#1 Streamlined operations
Facilio's maintenance management software provides a centralized dashboard that gives a real-time overview of all facility operations. Facility managers can easily monitor ongoing maintenance tasks, energy consumption, and other critical metrics from a single interface.

Facilio’s dashboard with complete overview of an asset maintenance task
Track a work order’s life cycle from initiation to completion from a single interface with Facilio

This ensures that operations are streamlined, and any deviations from the planned maintenance schedule are immediately visible.

#2 Effective collaboration among stakeholders

With Facilio's maintenance management software, maintenance technicians, facility managers, and external service providers can communicate in real-time through the system. If a technician encounters an unexpected issue during a maintenance task, they can instantly notify the relevant parties, allowing for quicker decision-making and issue resolution.

A demonstration of how Facilio facilitates real-time communication between multiple stakeholders
Enhance coordination and responsiveness with Facilio’s communication channels for seamless information sharing

#3 Adaptability to diverse operational requirements

Facilio's modular and customizable design allows users to adapt the platform to their specific operational requirements. If you have a large facility with diverse operational needs, such as a mixed-use commercial building, you may have different maintenance requirements for office spaces, retail areas, and parking structures.

Facilio allows you to configure the maintenance management platform to accommodate these diverse needs, ensuring that the system aligns with the unique operational demands of each facility.

Building overview of two sites in the United States on Facilio’s dashboard
Facilio’s personalized approach to facility management ensures all sites function optimally despite varying operational needs

Use Case 2: Real-time insights and alerts with advanced digitization and automation technologies

Inflexible CAFM systems make adapting to changing operational needs a headache. Picture this: you need to quickly adjust critical equipment maintenance, but you're stuck navigating complex menus.

Urgent issues, like equipment failures, result in slow communication and manual interventions, leading to extended downtimes. Tweaking strategies for reallocating resources becomes cumbersome and time-consuming.

How Facilio solves the problem

#1 Dynamic configuration engine

Facilio employs a dynamic configuration engine that enables users to define and modify data models, workflows, and business rules without intricate coding or IT intervention. This means you can adapt the platform to changing needs in real-time, allowing for swift adjustments in maintenance schedules, equipment priorities, and other operational aspects.

#2 Real-time data analytics and machine learning:

Facilio integrates real-time data analytics and machine learning algorithms to process and analyze vast amounts of operational data. By doing so, the maintenance management software can proactively identify patterns, predict potential issues, and recommend optimized maintenance schedules.

Visual representation of unreliable and failure prone assets categorized by type
Monitor asset health and performance through visual representation of real-time data with Facilio

This not only enhances the efficiency of facility operations but also minimizes the risk of equipment failures.

#3 Open APIs and integration capabilities:

List of tool and applications Facilio offers seamless integration with
Enhance workflow connectivity across systems with Facilio’s advanced integration capabilities

Facilio's CMMS adopts an open architecture with comprehensive APIs and integration capabilities. This means you can have seamless connectivity with various third-party systems, sensors, and devices.

Plus, you can integrate data from different sources, ensuring a holistic view of facility operations. This promotes interoperability, eliminating silos and facilitating a more interconnected and streamlined approach to facilities and maintenance management.

#3 Mobile accessibility

It's disheartening how most legacy maintenance management software lack a mobile application and, worst of all, often exhibits outdated interfaces and limited functionality, impeding the efficiency and responsiveness required for modern facility management.

With Facilio’s mobile app, you can access real-time data, gaining insights into maintenance schedules and equipment status.

Effectively resolve urgent issues by using the app for task assignments and monitoring progress. Stay informed through instant notifications, allowing you to make timely, data-driven decisions.

Screenshot of user profile/update on Facilio’s mobile application
Optimize facility operations on the go with Facilio’s mobile application

#4 Machine-to-human workflows:

Facilio's maintenance management module optimizes workflows by seamlessly integrating machine-to-human interactions. Automated workflows and alerts are configured based on predefined rules, ensuring critical information is relayed to the right personnel at the right time.

For instance, when an anomaly is detected by sensors, the system can automatically trigger a workflow that notifies relevant technicians or managers, streamlining response times and reducing the need for manual interventions.

Best Maintenance Management (CMMS) Software FAQs

1. Why is CMMS better than Excel or Google Sheets?

CMMS provides a centralized platform specifically designed for maintenance management, offering features like work order tracking, preventive maintenance scheduling, and asset management. Unlike Excel or Google Sheets, CMMS systems are purpose-built to streamline maintenance processes, improve organization, and enhance overall efficiency.

2. How much does a maintenance management system cost?

The cost of a maintenance management system (CMMS) varies based on factors like the size of your organization, the chosen features, and the deployment method (cloud-based or on-premises). Generally, pricing models can range from monthly subscriptions to one-time purchases, allowing flexibility based on organizational needs and budget.

3. Are CMMS systems secure?

Yes, reputable CMMS providers prioritize security measures to protect sensitive maintenance data. This includes data encryption, access controls, and regular security updates. Choosing a trusted CMMS vendor ensures that your data is safeguarded against unauthorized access and potential cybersecurity threats.

4. How does a CMMS enhance preventive maintenance strategies?

CMMS systems play a crucial role in preventive maintenance by automating scheduling, tracking equipment health, and sending timely reminders for maintenance tasks. This proactive approach helps organizations minimize downtime, extend asset lifespan, and optimize overall operational efficiency.

Find the Right Maintenance Management Platform for Your Enterprise Business

Finding the right maintenance management software doesn't have to be complicated. Compare features, check customer reviews, and look for user-friendly options. By doing this, you can choose software that fits your team's needs and is easy to use.

Facilio’s maintenance management software is designed for various enterprise businesses, offering features to make operations smoother.

Some of the features include:

  • Centralized management of all assets for a comprehensive overview of equipment, facilities, and infrastructure.
  • Advanced analytics that anticipate potential issues before they occur, minimizing downtime and extending asset lifespan.
  • Empowers maintenance teams with live data insights, facilitating informed decision-making and workflow optimization.
  • Tailor maintenance workflows to specific business needs, ensuring adaptability and user engagement.
  • Seamless integration with IoT devices and sensors for enhanced data accuracy and real-time information capture.
  • Mobile-friendly interface to facilitate access to critical information and task performance for field technicians and remote personnel.

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