Workplace Management

IWMS Software: Definition, History, Trends, and More!

IWMS stands for Integrated Workplace Management System. It is a type of software that helps organizations manage and optimize the use of their physical workspace and resources.
IWMS Software

IWMS (integrated workplace management system) software provides a central platform for managing and coordinating various workplace functions, such as facilities management, real estate management, asset management, and space management.

It helps organizations improve the utilization of their physical space, reduce costs, and increase productivity by providing tools for scheduling and resource management, budgeting and forecasting, and data analysis.

A brief history of IWMS software

IWMS software has a relatively long history, with the first systems dating back to the 1980s.

The concept emerged as a way to provide a central platform for managing and coordinating various workplace functions.

Today, IWMS software is widely used by various organizations, including businesses, government agencies, educational institutions, healthcare organizations, and nonprofit organizations.

Uses of IWMS software

Many organizations, including businesses, government agencies, and educational institutions, use IWMS software.

More specifically, organizations with multiple locations or a large, complex physical workspace find it beneficial.

It helps organizations with tasks such as:

  • Scheduling and resource management: IWMS software is used to schedule and manage space management in office. This involves using conference rooms, desks, and other resources, such as equipment and vehicles. It also provides tools for booking and canceling reservations and managing waiting lists and requests.
  • Real estate and lease management: It helps organizations manage their real estate portfolio, including the acquisition, leasing, and disposal of properties. An IWMS solution also provides tools for tracking and managing lease agreements, rent payments, and other lease-related tasks.
  • Maintenance and repair management: It schedules and tracks maintenance and repair work for facilities, equipment, and other assets. IWMS software also provides tools for managing work orders, contracts, and service providers.
  • Move management and space planning: IWMS software allows companies to plan and coordinate moves and renovations, manage the allocation and use of space within an organization, and also provides tools for tracking and managing the movement of assets and equipment.
  • Asset tracking and inventory management: It helps track and manage the location and status of assets, such as equipment, furniture, and IT assets. Apart from that, users can also oversee inventory management, including tracking orders, deliveries, and stock levels.
  • Energy and environmental monitoring: Some IWMS systems contain tools for monitoring and analyzing energy and environmental data, such as energy consumption and carbon emissions. This helps organizations identify opportunities for improving energy efficiency and reducing their environmental impact.
  • Budgeting and forecasting: It has the tools for managing and forecasting budget and resource requirements, including tools for tracking and forecasting costs, such as rent and utilities.
  • Data analysis and reporting: The software comes with analyzing and reporting data related to workspace and resource utilization, including tools for generating reports, charts, and graphs. As a result, organizations can identify trends, identify inefficiencies, and make informed decisions about their workspace and resources.

How has COVID-19 influenced the way IWMS solutions are used?

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the way that organizations use IWMS software. Many organizations have had to adapt their use of IWMS software to meet the challenges posed by the pandemic, including:

  • Remote work: The shift to remote work has led many organizations to use IWMS software to manage and optimize the use of virtual workspace and resources, such as virtual meeting rooms and hybrid work tools.
  • Return-to-work planning: As organizations begin to plan for the return to work, they are using IWMS software to manage and coordinate the process, including tasks such as scheduling and resource management, move management and space planning, and asset tracking and inventory management.
  • Social distancing and safety measures: Organizations are using IWMS software to manage and implement social distancing and safety measures, such as reducing the number of people in a space at any one time and tracking the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Cleaning and sanitization: Organizations are using IWMS software to schedule and track cleaning and sanitization tasks and monitor and report on the use of cleaning and sanitization products.
Overall, the COVID-19 pandemic has led many organizations to use IWMS software in new and innovative ways in order to adapt to the challenges posed by the pandemic and ensure the safety and well-being of their employees.

How different industries use IWMS software

Various organizations in different industries use IWMS software. Some examples of industries that use IWMS software include:

  • Private businesses: Many businesses, including large multinational corporations (MNCs) and smaller companies, use IWMS software to manage and optimize the use of their physical workspace and resources. It is useful for organizations with multiple locations or a large, complex physical workspace.
  • Government agencies: Government agencies at the local, state, and federal level use IWMS software to manage and optimize the use of their facilities and resources. This includes tasks such as scheduling and resource management, real estate and lease management, and maintenance and repair management.
  • Educational institutions: IWMS software is commonly used by schools, colleges, and universities to manage and optimize the use of their physical workspace and resources. This involves scheduling and resource management, move management and space planning, asset tracking, and inventory management.
  • Healthcare organizations: Hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare organizations use IWMS software to manage and optimize the use of their facilities and resources. This includes tasks such as scheduling and resource management, real estate and lease management, and maintenance and repair management.
  • Nonprofit organizations: Nonprofit organizations, such as charities and advocacy groups, use IWMS software to manage and optimize the use of their physical workspace and resources. These are tasks such as scheduling and resource management, move management and space planning, asset tracking, and inventory management.

Implementing IWMS software

Here are some steps to follow when implementing IWMS software in an organization:

  1. Identify your needs and goals: Before implementing IWMS software, it is important to identify your organization's specific needs and goals. This will help you to determine which features and capabilities are most important and will inform your decision about which IWMS software to use.
  2. Research and compare options: There are many different IWMS software options available, so it is important to research and compare different options to find the one that best meets your organization's needs and goals. Consider factors such as cost, features, scalability, and customer support when making your decision.
  3. Plan your implementation: Once you have selected an IWMS software, you will need to plan your implementation. This will involve determining how you will roll out the software, who will be responsible for implementing and managing it, and how you will train users on the new system.
  4. Set up and configure the IWMS software: Next, you will need to set up and configure the IWMS software. This will involve installing the software, setting up user accounts, and configuring the system to meet your organization's specific needs and requirements.
  5. Test and train users: Before going live with the IWMS software, it is important to test the system and train users on how to use it. This will help to ensure that the system is functioning properly and that users are familiar with its capabilities and how to use it effectively.
  6. Go live with the IWMS software: Once you have tested the system and trained users, you are ready to go live with the IWMS software. This will involve transitioning from your current system to the new IWMS software and involves data migration and other tasks.
  7. Monitor and maintain the IWMS software: After implementing the IWMS software, it is important to monitor and maintain the system to ensure that it is functioning properly and meeting your organization's needs. This involves periodic software updates, user training, and other tasks.
Implementing IWMS software could be a complex and time-consuming process, but it provides a wide range of benefits to organizations by helping them to better manage and optimize the use of their physical workspace and resources.

Benefits of IWMS software

There are several benefits to using IWMS software in an organization, including:

  1. Improved utilization of physical workspace and resources: Organizations can better utilize their physical workspace and resources, such as conference rooms, desks, and equipment. By providing scheduling and resource management tools, IWMS software helps reduce the number of unused or underutilized resources and improve the efficiency of their workspace.
  2. Reduced costs: For example, by using IWMS software to schedule and manage conference rooms and other resources, organizations can reduce the number of unused or underutilized resources, resulting in cost savings.
  3. Increased productivity: Organizations can increase productivity by providing scheduling and resource management tools and tracking and managing work orders and contracts. By optimizing the use of physical workspace and resources, companies can reduce the time and effort required to complete tasks, leading to increased productivity.
  4. Better decision making: You get access to data analysis and reporting tools, which helps organizations make better-informed decisions about their physical workspace and resources. This helps identify inefficiencies, opportunities for improvement, and make more informed decisions about their workspace and resources.
  5. Improved communication and collaboration: IWMS software helps organizations improve communication and collaboration by providing a central platform for scheduling and resource management and tools for tracking and managing work orders and contracts. By improving communication and collaboration, organizations can reduce the risk of errors and delays and improve the efficiency of their operations.

Overall, IWMS software provides organizations with a wide range of benefits by helping them better manage and optimize their physical workspace and resources.

CAFM vs. IWMS software

CAFM (Computer-Aided Facility Management) and IWMS (Integrated Workplace Management System) are both types of software that are used to manage and optimize the use of physical workspace and resources in an organization. However, there are some key differences between the two:

  1. Scope: IWMS software typically provides a more comprehensive range of tools and features for managing and optimizing the use of physical workspace and resources. It typically includes real estate and lease management tools, space planning, asset tracking, energy, and environmental monitoring, and facilities management. CAFM software, is more related to facility management software, such as maintenance and repair management and does not include all of the features found in IWMS software.
  2. Integration: IWMS software is designed to provide a single, integrated platform for managing and coordinating various workplace functions. It is typically designed to provide a seamless flow of data and information between different modules, such as space and resource scheduling, real estate management, and asset tracking. CAFM software, on the other hand, is more focused on specific facilities management tasks and does not provide the same level of integration with other workplace management functions.
  3. Customization: IWMS software is typically more flexible and customizable than CAFM software. It is designed to be able to handle a wide range of different workplace management scenarios and requirements and can be customized to meet the specific needs of different organizations. CAFM software, on the other hand, is more limited in terms of customization options.
Overall, IWMS software is generally considered to be a more comprehensive and flexible solution for managing and optimizing the use of physical workspace and resources, while CAFM software tends to focus more specifically on facilities management tasks.

Want to learn more about the best IWMS solution for your business? Get in touch, today!