Refrigeration Monitoring

Commercial Refrigeration Maintenance Tips & Free Checklist

Proper commercial refrigeration maintenance is crucial for ensuring efficiency, preventing costly repairs, and prolonging equipment lifespan. This guide provides insightful tips and a free checklist to help you stay on top of your maintenance tasks.

Imagine this: it’s the weekend before the 4th of July, and your grocery store is packed with holiday shoppers. Suddenly, you notice the temperature in your refrigeration units climbing. Before you know it, your frozen foods are thawing, and the aroma of fresh produce has turned foul-smelling.

The culprit: A malfunctioning refrigeration unit that hadn’t been properly maintained.

The result?

Thousands of dollars in lost inventory, a hit to your revenue, and a blow to your reputation.

Many businesses understand the importance of reliable refrigeration for preserving product quality. In addition to the immediate financial impact, there’s also the challenge of staying compliant with refrigeration regulations and food safety standards.

Sometimes, retail facility managers lack a structured approach or even the resources to ensure regular commercial refrigeration maintenance.

Unexpected equipment failures and refrigerant compliance issues are expensive, stressful, and can damage your reputation. By implementing a commercial refrigeration preventive maintenance plan, you can ensure your equipment operates at peak efficiency, minimize the risk of costly breakdowns, and extend the lifespan of your units.

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To support you, we've created a comprehensive and free checklist to help you stay on top of your commercial refrigeration maintenance tasks. Let’s first dive into what commercial refrigeration maintenance is.

What is commercial refrigeration maintenance?

Let’s define commercial refrigeration maintenance by building on our previous example.

Imagine you're a retail facility manager overseeing a high-volume grocery store. One morning, you discover a puddle beneath one of the refrigeration units. Panic sets in as you realize the unit isn't cooling properly.

Now, imagine if you had a routine maintenance schedule in place. The previous month, a technician from your facility management service provider (FMSP) conducted a thorough inspection. They cleaned the condenser coils, checked the refrigerant levels, and ensured all components were in good working order.

They also documented their findings and scheduled the next check-up. This proactive approach identified minor issues before they escalated, preventing the puddle and the crisis you’d face otherwise.

Commercial refrigeration maintenance isn’t just about simply going through the motions. It’s about safeguarding your operations against unexpected breakdowns, keeping your equipment running at peak performance and extending its lifespan.

The peace of mind that comes from knowing your refrigeration units are reliable and compliant with industry standards allows you to focus on what you do best running a successful retail business.

To put it succinctly, commercial refrigeration maintenance involves regular cleaning, inspection, and servicing of refrigeration equipment. This is done to ensure optimal performance, energy efficiency, and compliance.

Read More: Navigating the Shifting Landscape of Retail FM

What is the preventive maintenance of commercial refrigeration equipment?

Preventive maintenance of commercial refrigeration equipment is taking proactive steps to ensure that your units run efficiently. It’s done to prevent costly repairs and unexpected breakdowns. A simple checklist could include:

  • Regular inspections: Schedule routine check-ups to catch and fix minor issues early. Inspect door seals, refrigerant levels, fans, and motors to ensure they’re working properly.
  • Cleaning coils: Regularly clean condenser and evaporator coils to maintain efficient airflow and cooling performance. Dirty coils make the system work harder, consuming more energy.
  • Monitoring temperatures: Regularly check and calibrate thermostat settings to ensure optimal temperatures, prevent spoilage, and ensure food safety.
  • Lubricating moving parts: Keep motors, fans, and other moving parts well-lubricated to reduce friction and extend the unit’s life.
  • Replacing filters: Regularly change air and water filters to maintain clean airflow and prevent contamination.
  • Checking electrical connections: Inspect and secure electrical connections to prevent malfunctions.
  • Documenting and scheduling: Keep detailed records of maintenance activities and schedule preventive maintenance to stay on track.

What are the challenges in maintaining refrigeration?



Energy efficiency

Achieving optimal energy efficiency while ensuring sufficient cooling capacity is a delicate balance. Inefficient systems can lead to high electricity bills and environmental impact.

Regular maintenance, including cleaning coils, checking insulation and optimizing settings, helps improve energy efficiency. Upgrading to energy-efficient equipment and using advanced refrigeration monitoring systems can help reduce energy costs.

System complexity

Commercial refrigeration systems are complex. Understanding and troubleshooting these components require specialized knowledge.

Partner with trained technicians or experienced service providers in commercial refrigeration to ensure proper maintenance and timely repairs. Preventive maintenance checklists and manuals empower you to handle day-to-day upkeep with confidence.

Regulatory compliance

Compliance with environmental regulations, such as EPA's Section 608 rules on refrigerant leaks and disposal, is crucial but complex. Failure to comply can result in hefty fines and environmental damage.

Staying updated with regulatory changes, implementing leak detection systems, and conducting regular inspections are key. Properly managing refrigerants, including disposal and leak repair, is critical for compliance.

Cost management

Repair and maintenance costs for commercial refrigeration systems can be significant.

Implementing preventive maintenance schedules reduces the likelihood of costly breakdowns. Monitoring equipment performance and investing in quality components upfront can lower long-term maintenance expenses.

Temperature control

Ensuring consistent and safe temperatures across various refrigeration units is vital for food safety and quality.

Regularly calibrating temperature controls, maintaining door seals, and monitoring temperature fluctuations help maintain optimal conditions. Installing temperature monitoring systems provides real-time alerts to prevent temperature deviations.


Any downtime due to maintenance or repairs can disrupt business operations, potentially leading to unhappy customers and the loss of perishable goods. 

Schedule maintenance during off-peak hours, utilize backup systems and choose responsive service providers to minimize downtime. Cutting-edge predictive maintenance with IoT and data analytics can identify potential issues before they erupt, preventing unexpected failures.

Environmental impact

Improperly managed refrigeration systems can contribute to environmental issues, such as refrigerant leaks and excessive energy consumption.

To reduce environmental impact, adopt eco-friendly refrigerants, maintain leak detection systems, and adhere to environmental standards. Invest in energy-efficient equipment to achieve sustainability goals and reduce operating costs.

Importance of commercial refrigeration maintenance

Maintaining commercial refrigeration is critical for several reasons, especially in business environments:

  • Operational efficiency: Well-maintained refrigeration systems operate more efficiently, reducing energy consumption and operational costs. Regular upkeep prevents breakdowns and extends the lifespan of equipment, minimizing downtime and maintenance expenses.
  • Compliance: Regular maintenance helps meet regulatory requirements, such as EPA guidelines on refrigerant management and food safety standards, thereby avoiding fines and legal issues.
  • Customer satisfaction: Fresh, high-quality products and reliable refrigeration build customer satisfaction, loyalty, and trust.
  • Long-term cost savings: A proactive approach to refrigeration monitoring includes investing in regular maintenance and servicing to prevent costly repairs or premature replacement of refrigeration units.
  • Environmental responsibility: Properly managed refrigeration systems reduce greenhouse gas emissions through efficient operation and responsible handling of refrigerants.

Best practices for commercial refrigeration maintenance

Using IoT-driven software for remote monitoring

Implement IoT-driven software to monitor your refrigeration systems remotely. This technology provides real-time data on equipment performance and health, enabling proactive maintenance and quick issue identification. By leveraging remote monitoring, you can reduce downtime, optimize operational efficiency and extend the lifespan of your refrigeration units.

Refrigerant compliance and leak detection

Recent changes to EPA Section 608 tighten refrigerant leak detection requirements for appliances containing hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) refrigerants, including chronically leaking ones. This update lowers the compliance threshold to 15 pounds, meaning more supermarket refrigeration systems will be classified as "chronically leaky" and require leak reports.

Prompt detection of refrigerant leaks is crucial to prevent costly equipment breakdowns, energy losses, and potential fines of up to $37,500 per day for non-compliance with EPA refrigerant management and reporting regulations.

Adopt condition-based maintenance strategies to detect refrigerant leaks proactively. Utilize sensors and advanced analytics to monitor system conditions and identify potential leaks before they become serious issues. This proactive approach helps minimize energy wastage and prevent equipment failures.

Best Automated Leak Detection Systems 2024: Top Picks for Enhanced Facility Safety
Stay ahead in facility management with our detailed list of the best automated leak detection systems for 2024. Find out which systems offer the most innovative features for detecting leaks accurately and efficiently, ensuring your operations remain safe and compliant.

Automate workflows, inspections and audits

Automate your workflows, inspections and audits to streamline commercial refrigerator maintenance processes. Automation ensures consistency, accuracy and efficiency in routine tasks by reducing human error and allowing your team to focus on more critical issues. Automated systems can schedule and track maintenance activities, ensuring all necessary inspections and audits are conducted on time.

Focus on energy efficiency

Focus on energy efficiency to reduce operational costs and environmental impact. Optimize your commercial refrigeration systems with advanced compressors, improved insulation materials, and energy-saving automation. Regularly audit your systems to identify and rectify energy inefficiencies and consider investing in energy-efficient refrigeration equipment.

Promote sustainability initiatives

Promote sustainability by adopting eco-friendly refrigeration practices and technologies. Use natural refrigerants with lower global warming potential, implement energy conservation measures and opt for equipment designed with sustainable materials. By prioritizing sustainability, you reduce your environmental footprint and align your operations with regulatory standards and consumer expectations.

Enhanced communication and training

Facilitate clear communication and training for your maintenance teams. Ensure they know the latest technologies, regulations and best practices in refrigeration maintenance to maintain high operational standards.

Invest in scalable solutions

Choose scalable refrigeration solutions that can grow with your business. Modular systems and cloud-based management tools allow you to expand and adapt your refrigeration infrastructure as your needs evolve.

Ready to streamline your refrigeration infrastructure at scale?
Book a Demo

Commercial refrigeration maintenance checklist

Here is a comprehensive checklist for your quarterly commercial refrigeration maintenance:

1.  Clean interior and exterior

  • Clean the refrigerator's interior surfaces, including shelves, bins, and walls, to remove spills, debris, and mold.
  • Wipe down exterior surfaces and handles.

2. Inspect refrigerant levels

  • Check refrigerant levels regularly and ensure they’re within manufacturer-recommended specifications.
  • Look for signs of leaks or inadequate levels.

3. Clean condenser coils

  • Clean condenser coils to remove dust, dirt, and debris that can reduce efficiency.
  • Use a soft brush to gently clean the coils without damaging them.

4. Check door seals

  • Inspect door seals (gaskets) for cracks, tears, or gaps.
  • Replace seals if damaged to maintain proper insulation and prevent energy loss.

5. Monitor temperature settings

  • Check and calibrate temperature settings to ensure they’re accurate and within safe operating ranges.
  • Adjust settings as needed based on seasonal changes or operational requirements.

6. Inspect evaporator fans

  • Check evaporator fans for proper operation and signs of wear.
  • Clean fan blades and ensure they are free from obstructions.

7. Clean drain lines

  • Inspect and clean drain lines to ensure they’re clear of obstructions and allow for proper condensation drainage.

8. Test defrost cycle

  • Test and verify the defrost cycle operation to ensure it functions correctly and prevents ice buildup on evaporator coils.

9. Inspect electrical components

  • Inspect electrical connections, controls, and wiring for damage, corrosion, or loose connections.
  • Ensure all electrical components are functioning properly and safely.

10. Document maintenance activities

  • Keep a log to track inspections, repairs, and maintenance activities.
  • Record any issues found and actions taken for future reference and compliance purposes.

Certain commercial refrigeration preventive maintenance tasks can be done daily/weekly and monthly.

  • Daily/weekly: Clean all interior and exterior surfaces, keep an eye on defrost cycles, and check temperature settings.
  • Monthly: Clean condenser coils, inspect door seals, check drain lines, replace air filters, and inspect all tubing and compressor fins.
Achieving Superior Refrigeration Control and Lower Energy Costs using Technology.
The journey to superior refrigeration control and reduced energy costs is best navigated with a software-centric approach. Learn how retailers can optimize energy consumption, reduce costs, and achieve unparalleled efficiency in their cooling systems.

Transform your commercial refrigeration maintenance with Facilio

Facilio's connected refrigeration leverages powerful IoT technology to uncover real-time data insights and cloud-based control, empowering retailers to optimize their refrigeration systems. This data-driven approach can lead to significant cost savings and improved operational efficiency.

Facilio's Next-Gen Refrigerant Tracking & Leak Detection Software Solution!

Independent studies have shown reductions in refrigeration energy consumption by up to 15%, with a payback period of under six months. Facilio can also help ensure your facilities are compliant with ever-evolving regulations.

Low-code approach to commercial refrigeration

Facility managers need solutions that offer flexibility and quick adaptability, but traditional software solutions often lack the agility to incorporate changes swiftly, taking anywhere from 6 to 12 months for modifications.

Facilio’s low-code, no-code approach revolutionizes this process, enabling changes within just 1 to 2 months.

Seamless Integration

Integrating new technologies is often a painstaking and time-consuming task. However, Facilio stands out with its ability to integrate seamlessly using open APIs without extensive coding.

Closed-loop ecosystem

Facilio offers an integrated ecosystem encompassing maintenance, monitoring, energy management and more. This closed-loop system ensures faster issue resolution and more reliable operations, enhancing overall productivity and performance.

IoT-led and future-proof

Designed with IoT at its core, Facilio future-proofs your operations, ensuring you stay ahead with the latest technological advancements. Our simple, easy-to-use platform ensures that managing your commercial refrigeration systems is efficient and user-friendly.

By choosing Facilio, facility and retail store managers can transform their commercial refrigeration maintenance into a streamlined, efficient and scalable process.

Ready to experience the future of commercial refrigeration maintenance? Book a demo today and discover how Facilio can revolutionize your operations.

FAQs about commercial refrigeration

How often should you service a commercial refrigerator?

A commercial refrigerator should be comprehensively serviced at least twice a year. Regular servicing helps identify potential issues before they become major problems, extending the lifespan of the equipment. However, some units might require more frequent checks depending on usage and the environment.

What is commercial refrigeration preventive maintenance?

Preventive maintenance for commercial refrigeration equipment includes regular cleaning of the interior and exterior, inspecting and cleaning condenser and evaporator coils, checking and replacing air filters, and inspecting door gaskets for any damage.

It also ensures the drain pans and tubes are clear of sludge and debris to prevent blockages. Preventive maintenance helps maintain optimal performance and energy efficiency and extends the lifespan of commercial refrigeration equipment.