Asset Management

Best Asset Maintenance Management Software Tools in 2024

Facility managers are still navigating asset maintenance with a patchwork of outdated tools, often relying on spreadsheets and emails. While familiar, this approach often leads to hidden costs and leaves you tangled in inefficiencies.

anaging assets across multiple sites is no easy task, especially when you're juggling spreadsheets, emails, and outdated systems. It's a never-ending cycle of reactive maintenance and hidden costs, and unfortunately, many facility managers (FMs) are stuck in it. 

A recent poll that inquired about the tech stack tools used by over 300 FM professionals pointed out that 26% of voters still used only Excel sheets and emails for facility maintenance.

Poll results on the state of FM technology today
State of FM technology today

Understandably, integrated facility management service providers (IFMSPs) might stick to familiar patterns and systems. High-pressure environments demand smooth operations, and change is hard—especially when faced with the comfort of traditional methods. 

However, this habitual reliance on manual or reactive maintenance can lead to a host of hidden costs and operational disruptions. IFM service providers might not realize that their approach, while seemingly efficient in the short term, is fraught with inefficiencies.

Prabhu Ramachandran, CEO of Facilio Inc, said:

“The first roadblock hindering innovation in facility management is the inertia born out of tradition. Change is hard, especially when accustomed to the familiar comfort of spreadsheets and email threads.”

As companies these days are required to do more with less, staff face increased workloads without additional headcount. However, FM managers are stuck with legacy computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS)that do not prioritize automation. 

This leaves many operations and maintenance (O&M) activities outside the CMMS to more manual and labor-intensive work.

According to a Facilio survey conducted during the ‘Rethinking CMMS’ webinar, 62% of respondents claim that most of their O&M work is done without their existing CMMS.

Statistics showing about two-thirds of O&M teams doing work outside their CMMS systems
CMMS in its current form is inadequate for modern O&M needs

Legacy asset management tools often turn item location into a cumbersome task with phone calls, paperwork, and spreadsheets. Scattered records force managers to guess their needs while budgets shrink.

McKinsey’s 2021 Global Asset Management Survey reveals that many asset managers still grapple with costly legacy systems. It further suggests shifting from on-premises technology to cloud-based solutions to build resilience and support strategic growth. 

Modern cloud-based CMMS solutions are key for analyzing asset data and improving operations. Cloud computing simplifies technology, offering streamlined business services.

Leaders must evaluate technology’s impact on all business areas, from front to back office. BNY Mellon’s research finds that digital technology evolution is the top trend in asset management. 54% of asset managers prioritize tech-based trends for the next few years.

In this article, we’ll learn how asset management software can help optimize your assets and enhance their operational efficiency.

What is asset maintenance management software, and why is it important?

Asset management (AM) software centralizes asset data and streamlines the tracking and managing of physical/digital assets across an organization.

It primarily serves as a transactional workflow tool, facilitating the management and execution of capital asset maintenance.

It provides detailed maintenance history, supports hierarchical or linear asset registers, and enables the creation of maintenance schedules based on historical records, vendor recommendations/performance, equipment manuals or predictive artificial intelligence (AI) models.

Throughout an asset's life cycle, the data generated by this software is vital for facilities to:

  • Enhance operational efficiency
  • Monitor asset performance
  • Make informed decisions on decommissioning and new asset investments

Why asset management software is important

Here’s why asset management software is crucial and how a connected (CMMS) helps:

1. Better compliance reporting for regulatory requirements: Asset management software is essential for regulatory compliance, as it helps you maintain accurate records required by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

These include purchase prices, depreciation deductions, asset usage, cancelled checks, and real estate closing statements.

Manually handling this data is risky and time-consuming, increasing the risk of fines due to errors or incomplete information.

A common concern as an IFMSP is that despite your best intentions, you might inadvertently “misreport” an issue by reporting incompletely or providing inaccurate information when trying to manage multiple sites for your clients.

Imagine, a week after you’ve briefed your clients on a compliance infraction, new data surfaces that contradicts your earlier findings. Even worse, someone discovers overlooked data buried in an email inbox—data that should have been part of your analysis but wasn’t.

Modern CMMS software automates data processing, ensuring accurate and timely reports for auditors, managers, and other stakeholders. This reduces the burden of manual documentation and helps maintain reliable records, even under tight deadlines.

Facilio charts showing compliance audit reports
Facilio CMMS compliance management software

2. Effective asset life cycle management: You can gain a portfolio-wide visualization of your 360° asset lifecycle that would allow your O&M team plan for maintenance, upgrades, and eventual replacement, thereby maximizing the return on investment (ROI) on each asset.

According to IDC, the market share for asset lifecycle management software grew by 5.4% in 2022, reaching $3.9 billion, up from $3.7 billion in 2021. 

This growth is driven by several factors, most notably the retirement of seasoned, highly skilled workers whose invaluable knowledge is not being effectively retained.

As a result, many organizations have begun upgrading their systems, while others are exploring next-generation asset lifecycle management software to address these challenges.

Modern CMMS solutions offer comprehensive coverage of both static and dynamic asset parameters. 

With these tools, you can generate asset reports from a central hub to track critical metrics like mean time to repair and replace, extra costs, lifecycle costs, and more, ensuring efficient asset management across the board.

3. Enhance operational efficiency: Every hour an asset sits idle represents lost potential and a missed opportunity for productivity.

A study on usage data analytics in banking found that banks leveraging analytics and adopting data-driven decision-making saw a productivity increase of 9-10%.

Asset management software simplifies the process of tracking and analyzing asset usage data. This data allows you to identify underutilized assets and determine the extent of their inactivity. 

By maximizing asset utilization, you can directly enhance productivity—a key indicator of operational efficiency.

For example, the software can help you monitor asset conditions and assess productivity levels. So, if you notice an increase in maintenance issues and a decrease in output while work hours remain constant, it could signal the need for downtime to avoid costly breakdowns.

Modern CMMS solutions simplify asset tracking and give you the tools to access and analyze asset productivity and utilization data. 

This information is critical for creating a realistic roadmap to greater operational efficiency, ensuring your business maximizes its resources without pushing them to the breaking point.

4. Preserving asset integrity: Asset management software ensures that assets are maintained in a fit-for-service condition, performing reliably and safely throughout their lifecycle. 

Asset management software ensures that assets meet safety and operational standards, minimizing major accidental health and environmental hazards.

Research suggests that implementing CMMS or enterprise asset management software improves safety in health and the environment.

Consider an IFMSP tasked with maintaining critical infrastructure in the oil and gas sector. Here, ensuring asset integrity is vital to avoid catastrophic failures resulting in environmental damage, safety incidents, and substantial financial losses. 

Without a robust asset management system, risks like undetected corrosion or equipment wear can jeopardize safety and lead to expensive shutdowns or accidents.

Modern CMMS software specifies the requirements for an asset to operate effectively and efficiently while safeguarding health, safety, and the environment. 

It also maintains records of the measures to ensure that people, systems, processes, and resources necessary for asset integrity are actively utilized and will perform as needed throughout the asset's entire lifecycle.

What is CMMS Asset Management? Key Functionalities & Software
Managing your assets should not be left to guesswork. Using a CMMS asset management software, you can view and manage equipment information in a central location that includes all relevant information–costs, repair history, parts consumption, maintenance schedules, SOPs, downtime, and more.

Who needs asset maintenance management software?

The different industries that benefit from asset maintenance management software are:

Business leaders gearing up for Industry 4.0

The shift towards Industry 4.0 centers around transforming industrial processes using technologies like the industrial internet of things (IIoT), cloud computing, machine learning, and data analytics. 

According to McKinsey, the IIoT market is projected to reach $500 billion by 2025, a 12% jump from 2020’s valuations, all fueled by technological advances.

Asset management software consolidates all your assets, systems, and data into a single platform while seamlessly integrating with emerging technologies. 

This future-proofs your operations and ensures that your assets remain in peak condition, giving your facility a competitive edge in a rapidly changing market.

IFMSPs handling multi-site enterprise portfolios

Managing multi-site facilities for multiple clients is a serious responsibility. As an IFMSP, you're tasked with maintaining service quality, keeping promises, and ensuring a positive ROI for your clients. 

Asset maintenance software helps you deliver on these commitments by centralizing asset data and operations, providing a real-time view of all your assets, allowing you to see the big picture needed to meet and exceed expectations.

The software's value goes beyond simple maintenance—it becomes a strategic tool. It enables the tracking of key performance indicators (KPIs) related to asset performance, workflow automation, and integrated data analysis. 

Research studies show that implementing integrated analytical management systems cut business decision cycle times from hours to minutes, resulting in a 62% improvement in efficiency.

Additionally, it also integrates essential functions like work order management, inventory control, maintenance activities, reporting, and team collaboration into a single, streamlined system. 

In a competitive market, especially when bidding for high-net-worth clients, using advanced technology like asset maintenance software can make your proposal stand out. 

It shows your commitment to optimizing asset performance and delivering top-tier service, positioning you as the go-to provider for clients who demand the best.

Field-based maintenance managers and technicians

Out in the field, speed and accuracy are everything. Imagine you’re a maintenance manager dealing with a sudden equipment breakdown at a remote site. 

With asset maintenance software, you can instantly pull up the asset’s history, diagnose the issue, and assign the right technician—all from your mobile device. The technician gets real-time instructions, updates the work order on the go, and even checks inventory for replacement parts.

This kind of streamlined communication and instant access to data cuts down response times and reduces downtime accumulation.

Government agencies and public sectors

When President Bush signed Executive Order 13327 on February 4, 2004, he mandated that federal agencies manage their real property portfolios optimally to support their missions and goals, focusing on size, cost, and condition.

The order required:

  • The establishment of a Senior Real Property Officer in each agency
  • The creation of the Federal Real Property Council (FRPC)
  • Each agency under the EO is to develop an Asset Management Plan incorporating performance measurements
  • The maintenance of a single, comprehensive database for all real property under the control of Executive Branch agencies

Federal agencies manage billions of dollars in assets, including real property, personal property, and financial assets. Efficient management of these assets is crucial for ensuring that taxpayer funds are used effectively.

This involves maintaining comprehensive inventories, accurate asset valuations, and aligning acquisition and disposal plans with agency missions. 

Asset management software offers a unified tool for planning maintenance management for public assets, minimizing waste, and tracking critical document deadlines, such as contract expiration dates and renewal timelines. 

By keeping documents up-to-date and ensuring that deadlines are not missed, these systems help maintain legal compliance and operational efficiency.

Notable first-tier industries 

Industries such as information technology (IT), healthcare, education, and retail greatly benefit from asset management software.

In IT, asset management solutions alleviate server congestion by storing images in the cloud, reducing the time spent on fixing broken links and managing folder access. 

Healthcare providers rely on asset management for securely managing and sharing digital medical records, X-rays, and other patient files. 

Similarly, in education, asset management helps track and manage student records, transcripts, and digital resources. For retail and eCommerce, physical asset management ensures operational efficiency by organizing and managing tangible assets across teams and locations.

Facilio dashboard showing web and mobile FM interfaces 
Facilio asset management software’s web and mobile live support

Top 4 asset maintenance management software in 2024

  1. Facilio
  2. FiiX CMMS
  3. Limble CMMS
  4. Maintenance Care


While traditional CMMS systems focus on record-keeping, Facilio’s asset cloud-based connected CMMS takes it a step further with an action-oriented approach. 

This platform goes beyond typical CMMS capabilities, offering a unified solution that connects systems, people, and processes through an IoT-driven, no-code SaaS platform with robust workflow management.

With Facilio, you move beyond mere asset data management to achieve true process optimization and connected efficiency. 

As a cloud-based CMMS software, Facilio's connected operations platform allows customers to easily fill gaps in their tech stack, delivering immediate value and transitioning from isolated point solutions to cohesive, interoperable modules. 

The platform provides a real-time, 360° view of your assets’ health, eliminating the need to rely on siloed data.

Facilio seamlessly integrates all maintenance operations, covering everything for asset maintenance from corrective, reactive, and breakdown tasks to scheduled inspections, routine preventive maintenance, and audits.

Facilio benefits

Facilio asset management software works to positively impact operational efficiency by:

Impact area


Reduced administrative work

Automation reduces manual data entry and repetitive administrative duties, freeing up time for more strategic activities

Faster decision-making

Centralized and easily accessible data ensures that decision-makers have the most current and comprehensive information at their fingertips

Predictable maintenance

Regularly scheduled maintenance tasks help anticipate potential issues, minimizing unplanned downtime and extending asset lifespan

Resource optimization

Streamlined management of inventory and resources ensures maintenance tasks are performed with the right materials at the right time, reducing costs and increasing efficiency

Facilio features

Real-time data updates
Facilio provides instant IoT insights and detailed reports, allowing you to optimize energy use, asset performance, and occupant comfort across all sites. 

With asset-wise sub-metering, you can dive deep into real-time data, track consumption at any level of detail, and project month-on-month usage for better proactive management planning and enhanced operational efficiency.

Dashboard showing a factual visual representation of assets energy consumption data patterns
Facilio data reporting and analytics

Performance metrics monitoring
Facilio’s platform aggregates dispersed performance data from across your portfolio into a single global system using advanced analytics, visualization, and AI/ML models. 

By analyzing performance metric data like mean time between failures (MTBF) in real time, the platform can predict potential equipment failures before they occur. 

For example, IoT sensors might detect subtle temperature fluctuations in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, prompting a maintenance alert that prevents a costly breakdown. 

This allows FM managers to maintain continuous improvement in maintenance practices.

Unified system for asset information
Managing multi-site portfolios demands clear visibility and quick action on critical issues. 

Facilio provides a single platform for managing all asset-related data. Its centralized dashboard offers a clutter-free, intuitive interface that allows you to prioritize what matters most.

You can monitor live efficiency across teams and technicians, identify groups with the most pending work orders, track asset downtime, and assess the total cost of operations for specific departments—all from one platform.

This portfolio-wide visibility lets you focus on critical metrics directly impacting your maintenance operations.

Treeline progression on managing asset maintenance with Facilio
Facilio’s dashboard with real-time operational visibility

Integration with existing systems

Facilio’s hardware-agnostic platform seamlessly integrates with your current infrastructure, allowing you to leverage actionable insights for asset maintenance without overhauling your setup.

For example, it can aggregate data from powerful data visualization tools like Tableau, DOMO, and Power BI to visualize property performance trends, reason out anomalies, and anticipate asset behavior. 

Facilio integrating with multiple third-party applications
Facilio connected CMMS integration bandwidth 

Automation of work orders
Managing a large portfolio of multi-site facilities can quickly become chaotic, especially when dealing with a mountain of work orders and approvals. 

Facilio’s automated work order management adapts to your specific needs without forcing you into rigid templates. 

Whether it's work orders, alarms, or even leasing processes, you can configure workflows with simple if-else conditions or detailed scripts. Automate everything from work order approvals to complex workflows, ensuring smooth operations across all sites.

Automating work order approvals for asset service requests
Facilio work order management

Suitable for 

Facilio is ideal for large enterprises, facility management companies, and organizations looking for a scalable and flexible asset management solution.

Facilio key highlights

  • Enterprise-ready SaaS: Facilio’s platform is built to handle the demands of large-scale operations, giving you the flexibility and scalability needed to manage complex asset portfolios with ease.
  • Multi-site FM management: Keep everything in sync across multiple locations with centralized control, ensuring consistent maintenance practices and easy performance tracking.
  • Quick deployment:  Rapid setup allows you to integrate Facilio with your existing systems and begin managing assets without lengthy delays or disruptions.
  • Automation-centric: Automates routine maintenance tasks and workflows to reduce manual intervention, minimizing errors and freeing up your team for higher-value activities.
  • Self-service portals for escalations: Self-service portals streamline issue reporting and resolution, speeding up asset-related escalations.
  • Engage stakeholders at every level: Bring everyone on board, from occupants and technicians to executives,ensuring that all levels are aligned and working towards your asset management goals.
  • Site-specific budgeting: Manage and allocate budgets more effectively by tracking asset costs and performance site-by-site, optimizing financial planning.

What users are saying

“Facilio's connected buildings approach has helped us upgrade the quality of service for our customers, using the same resources and assets that were at our disposal earlier. We increased our workforce productivity by 13% within six months of digitizing operations using Facilio.”

- Sangeetha B. GM, Al Fajer.

Facilio reduces Investa's asset downtime by 40% with its connected CMMS solution

Investa is one of Australia's leading commercial real estate firms, specializing in developing, owning, and managing high-performance office buildings. 


  • Manual workflows led to redundant tasks and inefficiencies in asset maintenance
  • Data owned and shared by vendors resulted in unreliable and inconsistent performance metrics
  • The lack of a consolidated view hindered effective tracking of key metrics related to asset performance and vendor compliance
  • The existing system was inflexible, making it difficult to add or remove properties from the portfolio efficiently

Facilio’s solution and impact

Facilio’s connected CMMS transformed how Investa managed its assets. Unifying operations across their entire portfolio helped them seamlessly track everything from work orders to vendor compliance—no more sifting through spreadsheets or manual records. 

The real-time visibility into asset performance enabled Investa to take a proactive approach, cutting asset downtime by 40%. 

Automation also played a key role, reducing manual effort and boosting overall efficiency. With this holistic view, Investa’s leadership could make more intelligent, cost-effective decisions, leading to a smoother and more reliable operation.

For an in-depth look at how Facilio helped Investa, review the full case study here

Gain portfolio-wide real-time visibility on your assets for improved maintenance operations
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Fiix by Rockwell Automation offers a contemporary maintenance solution renowned for its user-friendliness, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. 

Established in 2008 and headquartered in Toronto, Fiix provides a cloud-based CMMS that helps businesses organize, manage, and monitor asset maintenance activities.

Fiix CMMS supports mobile access, allowing maintenance teams to manage tasks from anywhere. Plans range from a free basic version to an enterprise solution with advanced analytics, custom integrations, and AI-powered insights.

Fiix CMMS benefits

  • With Fiix, you can add safety tasks to asset work orders, complete with e-signatures, ensuring compliance with safety regulations and standards
  • The integrated AI platform Fiix Foresight continuously analyzes asset maintenance data to identify areas for improvement
  • You can store technician profiles with their certifications and set renewal reminders, ensuring that your team maintains up-to-date qualifications and skills for asset maintenance

Fiix CMMS features

Fiix features


User experience/review

Work order management

Menus and sub-menus designed for easy completion of work orders and creation of follow-up actions.

"The tracking detail on work orders is fantastic. Right from the work order, you can jump straight to the asset, have full parts breakdown built in, track costs per asset, upload pictures pertaining to the work performed, and so much more.” - Kyle G.

"The things I dislike about FIIX are that I cannot view the work orders I have submitted for the week or the day. That way, I could track how many hours I would need to complete my week. Or that we cannot see others' work orders to see what has been completed.” - Damarys L.

Preventive maintenance scheduling

Helps address maintenance needs ahead of time, preventing unexpected breakdowns.

"We've had a lot of success using it to generate scheduled preventative maintenance work orders, and we have also just branched into using the purchase order section.” - Anon Verified User.

"Not the best for planning and scheduling work orders.” - Rey G.

Inventory management

Tracks all assets (online/offline), associated costs, parts breakdowns, and vendor details on where to get parts.

"Fiix works great! The program has everything you need to manage your maintenance parts inventory. We have had it for over a year, and I am still learning about what it can do for us daily. You can track where your inventory is used and how often it is used there.” - Charles D.

"The inventory cycle count does not work for our purposes. We could use something that did cycle counts based on a total inventory percentage more than categories.” - Anon Verified User

Mobile accessibility

All assets are at hand, and it reduces the learning curve with the web-based version. 

The mobile app enhances accessibility to upload photos, view locations, and track spare parts inventory.

"The intuitive interface ensures smooth navigation, and the mobile accessibility is a boon for busy teams.” – Anon Verified User.

“The login process can be slow and buggy, especially on the mobile version (Android).” - Yann P.

Integration with ERP systems

Fiix CMMS integrates with various interfaces like PLC, IPS, and vibration analysis, plus the Fiix Integration Hub and custom API integrations for mass changes.

"You can easily integrate the many different departments it takes to successfully do business into this one program” - Melissa A.

"While Fiix excels in asset tracking, there are a few caveats. The limited integration options left us wanting more flexibility.” - Anon Verified User

Suitable for

Fiix CMMS is best suited for manufacturing industries, utilities, and enterprises with complex asset management needs.

Fiix CMMS key highlights 

  • Multi-site management: Ideal for larger organizations, Fiix allows users to manage maintenance activities across multiple sites from a single platform
  • Easy-to-use interface: Designed for simplicity, Fiix offers a user-friendly interface that makes managing maintenance tasks straightforward

Limble CMMS

Limble CMMS is a modern, mobile-first asset management software designed to help teams organize work, automate tasks, and make data-driven decisions. 

Known for its user-friendly interface and structured approach, Limble emphasizes predictive maintenance and condition monitoring, allowing technicians to manage assets efficiently, even in the field.

Limble CMMS benefits

  • Application programming interface (API) access for custom integrations (100+ pre-built integrations) and extending the functionality to suit business requirements
  • Advanced features like AI-powered duplicate checks to maintain data accuracy and streamline operations
  • Premium and enterprise plans include a dedicated success manager to assist with implementation, customization, and ongoing support

Limble CMMS features



User experience/review

Real-time asset tracking

Limble tracks both parts and maintenance requirements alongside comprehensive monitoring of when each machine in a facility needs maintenance.

“Limble is extremely user-friendly and customizable. It allows my maintenance team to create and execute work orders on the go and view important asset information and KPIs in real time.” - Anon Verified User.

“Generally speaking, I think the widgets can be very useful. However, I also feel like there are many technical aspects to the widgets that can make for a frustrating time to track data. There are sometimes many settings or combinations at hand that can affect what information is being projected.” - Nate G.

Preventive and predictive maintenance

Limble offers modular IoT sensor integration for predictive maintenance as well as plug-and-play sensors and condition-based monitoring.

“The versatility of the program makes it easy to implement in-depth PMs, conditional inspection, calibration schedule, and City and State inspection. Gone are the days of tribal knowledge. With a few simple clicks, you can track motor temp, oil consumption, and hours run to schedule impactful maintenance based on data.” - Brad L.

“There is no good way for my maintenance coordinator to use Limble to schedule tasks… We have fixed due dates for PM tasks that cannot be changed for QA reasons, so it is difficult to effectively schedule work for our technicians without downloading open tasks to Excel and doing some manual inputs.” - Anon Verified User.

Work order management

In Limble, you can organize, process, and track work orders through a centralized database accessible from any device.

“Limble has streamlined our work order system to a point that everyone in the company can utilize it and get problems fixed in a timely manner.” - Henry R.

“I don't like that you can't batch-delete work history. I accidentally uploaded work history to the wrong location and I had to delete 1,000 items one by one instead of hitting a delete all button.” - Javier B.

Mobile app support

Limble’s CMMS app dashboard shows an overview of work orders, asset status, and maintenance schedules. 

Each section is visually organized with icons and color-coded status indicators for quick identification.

“Limble is very easy to use. The app is very user-friendly—to have all the information you need within your phone to easily complete or create work orders without always having to sit down at a desktop to complete your tasks. I am always on the go, so it's a helpful tool to manage my day and be as productive as I can possibly be.” - Jim D.

“I cannot seem to utilize all links in the "Manage Work" menu while accessing Limble from my mobile device. Improving this or making the ease of access all the same features in the mobile version may be helpful as an improvement.” - Anon Verified User

Customizable reporting

The software starts with a blank slate, allowing you to customize it by adding only what you need. It also holds important information for easy report generation with a click.

“Dashboards are highly customizable and can show you a wide variety of information at a glance. Additionally, I like how easy it is to extract the data that you want straight from the system in order to make reports etc.” - Anon Verified User

“The reports are far from perfect. All the information is there and easily found. The part that needs updating is how the information prints out. I need a report that I can submit to the stakeholders without exporting and manipulating it in MS Excel.”- David C.

Suitable for

Limble is suitable for small to medium-sized businesses in various industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and facilities management.

Limble CMMS key highlights 

  • Advanced enterprise tools: Manage maintenance operations across multiple locations with advanced controls and single sign-on (SSO)
  • User-friendly and comprehensive: Limble’s ease of use and robust features make it an actionable tool for businesses 

Maintenance Care

Maintenance Care benefits

  • Prevents duplicate requests by automatically providing details of existing requests, including building, room, and issue information, to minimize redundancy
  • Integrate and embed Tableau directly into the system for improved data analysis
  • Connects with Amazon Alexa, Zapier, and API access to build custom integrations, streamlining workflows with hundreds of other business platforms

Maintenance Care features



User experience/review

Asset tracking and management 

This software enables FM managers to track, log, and manage detailed asset records to make decisions on maintenance, lifespan, costs, and more. 

Use a 3D virtual reality map to access real-time asset information on demand.

“Maintenance Care has helped handle assets in one application and has been a go-to tool. It includes a tracker. It is robust, paperless and secure. Having a vast client base.” - Sajana V.

“Only thing I didn’t like was the adding of assets to the system, could be a bit more user-friendly and not require customer service to assign asset numbers to them.” - Anon Verified User

Preventive maintenance scheduling 

You can set recurring preventive maintenance schedules using list and calendar views to filter tasks by date, type, location, and asset and build schedules with pre-built templates.

“Tracking scheduled maintenance is easy and a big improvement over how we were tracking maintenance before Maintenance Care” - Anon Verified User.

“Setting up a new schedule for maintenance is difficult. You can't just copy a schedule and paste it to a new one. It does have templates but I have found they aren't as easy to use especially when I need to create multiple schedules.” - Jim R.

Work order management 

Track all changes to work orders, including user, date, and time, with optional signatures and timestamp notes. 

Set up push notifications to automatically alert the appropriate employees about new work orders.

“Being able to track tasks and reference work already completed when we need to look back at an old job” - Anon Verified User.

“It can be confusing for people to add pictures to work orders.“ - Anon Verified User.

Inventory management

Maintenance Care software allows you to link parts and equipment from inventory to specific assets they are commonly used to maintain. 

“We were able to input an inventory into the system and include things like date of purchase, any repairs that have been done to the item/building and any annual checks or replacement items for them (with built-in reminders). “ - Becca.

“Assets have a barcode/sticker option, but spare parts do not” - Adrien G.

Customizable dashboards

Enable customized, interactive fields on task dashboards and set requirements that prevent the maintenance team from closing work until all fields are completed.

“The dashboard is easy to read and allows quick and easy assessment of the workload.”  - Jeff H.

“DETSET (detailed set of questions) needs more flexibility and a bit more user customizability for creating your own lists or custom form boxes.” - Anon Verified User.

Suitable for

Maintenance Care is ideal for educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and property management companies.

Maintenance Care key highlights 

  • Ease and functionality: Maintenance Care's focus on simplicity and usability offers an effective solution for the organization’s O&M teams


Assets are the backbone of any organization, yet too many companies fail to recognize their true value in daily operations. 

Instead of seeing assets as strategic investments, they often reduce asset management to a basic checklist—just enough to satisfy external audits. This narrow approach completely misses the point.

The good news is that more and more organizations are waking up to the usefulness of a comprehensive asset management system. They’re realizing that it doesn’t just give them a clear view of what they own; it also provides the insights they need to plan for the future more effectively.

The best time to adopt this strategy? The answer is simple: now. The earlier you start, the better you can integrate it into your existing processes, avoiding conflicts down the road.

For enterprise businesses, SaaS-based asset management systems offer a perfect fit—service-oriented, flexible, and easy to integrate.

It’s time to get organized, cut the waste, and start making your assets work harder for you. Implementing an asset management system isn’t just a good idea; it’s a strategic necessity.

Facilio is the tool that makes this happen. Imagine reducing downtime and slashing maintenance costs thanks to real-time updates and proactive maintenance. Your team can finally break free from the drudgery of administrative tasks, focusing instead on strategic initiatives that drive real results. 

The outcome? Longer-lasting assets, smoother operations across your portfolio, happier customers, and a competitive edge that sets you apart.

Optimize your asset’s shelf life and enhance portfolio-wide operational efficiency.
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