Building Operations & Maintenance

Excel in FM Operations: 8 KPIs Facility Managers Can't Afford to Overlook

Understanding and tracking the right KPIs is crucial for success in facility management. This blog explores the essential KPIs every facility manager should monitor, explaining what they are, why they're important, and how to track them effectively to enhance your facility's performance.

Facility management is a complex job. You're responsible for everything from managing maintenance tasks and inventory to ensuring your clients feel safe and comfortable. And with tight budgets and ever-increasing demands, it's easy to feel overwhelmed.

But there's a secret weapon that can help you navigate this complex world: key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs give you a clear picture of your facilities' performance. They allow you to identify areas for improvement, make data-driven decisions, and achieve operational excellence. Let’s look at some of the KPIs that are essential to successful facility management.

The power of clarity: why defining your KPIs is essential

In facility management, data is your most valuable asset. But raw data alone is meaningless. You need to know what to track and why. That's where KPIs come in.

Think about it: if you don't know what you're measuring, how can you know if you're making progress?

Having clarity on which KPIs to track is crucial. It focuses your efforts, ensuring you're not chasing every metric. Instead, you focus on the ones that are most important for your business goals.

KPIs also ensure accountability, providing a clear way to measure progress allowing you to hold yourself and your team accountable for achieving desired outcomes.

And ultimately, KPIs improve decision-making. By understanding your KPIs, you can make informed decisions based on data rather than intuition, leading to more effective and efficient operations.

KPIs to track for efficient facility management

There is no one-size-fits-all approach that works when it comes to KPIs, but we've crowdsourced insights from over 50 facility managers to identify the eight metrics that are crucial for any FM. These metrics will help you stay on track, manage costs, and ensure a safe and comfortable environment for your clients.

1. Reactive vs. planned maintenance ratio

Did you know that reactive maintenance can cost 2-5 times more than planned maintenance? This KPI measures the balance between unplanned (reactive) and planned maintenance tasks. It’s a crucial indicator of your preventive maintenance strategy.

This is important because reactive maintenance is always more expensive than planned maintenance. On top of that, it disrupts operations. A broken elevator, a malfunctioning HVAC system, or a sudden power outage can cause major disruptions to businesses, leading to lost productivity and dissatisfied customers.

By prioritizing planned maintenance tasks, you can reduce the need for emergency repairs and save money.

Chart showing an ideal case where 80% of work orders are planned preventive maintenance, and 20% reactive
Preventive vs reactive maintenance work orders

Planned maintenance also helps prevent breakdowns, ensuring that your equipment is running smoothly and reliably, which minimizes downtime for your clients and reduces the risk of costly disruptions.

Reactive maintenance can sometimes lead to rushed repairs, increasing the risk of accidents or injuries. Focusing on preventative measures creates a safer environment for your team and clients.

Suggested read: Complete guide to developing a planned maintenance plan

A good rule of thumb: You should aim for a much higher percentage of planned maintenance compared to reactive maintenance. Ideally, 80% or more of your maintenance tasks should be planned.

2. Vendor work order SLA adherence

Imagine a business that depends on a smoothly running HVAC system. Let's say their air conditioning unit fails on a hot summer day, and their employees sweat it out while waiting for a repair. If the vendor doesn't respond promptly, it could cause major disruptions to their business, potentially leading to lost revenue. This can damage your reputation as a facility management service provider.

By tracking vendor work order SLAs, you can identify reliable partners and those who need improvement. You can track how often they miss deadlines, how quickly they respond to requests, and how effectively they resolve issues.

Vendor SLA performance table highlighting the best and low performing vendors
Vendor performance analysis

This helps you decide which vendors to use and which to avoid. For example, if you notice a particular vendor consistently misses deadlines or takes a long time to resolve issues, you might want to consider finding a new vendor who can provide more reliable service.

Tracking SLA adherence also ensures that your vendors are meeting their agreed-upon response and resolution times, leading to faster service and less disruption for your clients. You can set clear expectations for vendors and hold them accountable for meeting those expectations.

If a customer needs a broken elevator fixed, and the SLA requires a technician to arrive within two hours. By tracking SLA adherence, you can ensure that the vendor meets that commitment, minimizing the inconvenience for your clients.

When vendors consistently meet their SLAs, it results in happier clients, leading to greater customer satisfaction and loyalty. For instance, a customer might be more likely to renew their contract with your FM service if they consistently receive fast and reliable service from the vendors you work with.

To understand how well your vendors are performing, you need to track the following:
1. Work orders completed within the SLA timeframe to note the vendors who are delivering on their promises.
2. Work orders completed after the SLA timeframe to note the vendors who are consistently missing deadlines.
3. Work orders not yet completed to note vendors that have pending tasks, helping you proactively address any potential delays.

You can also use this data to create vendor scorecards. This allows you to compare the performance of different vendors, providing a clearer picture of their capabilities and reliability.

SLA Adherence % = Number of Work Orders Resolved Within SLA / Total Number of Work Orders x 100

Now, you can ensure that your clients receive high-quality, timely service, leading to increased satisfaction and stronger relationships with consistent vendor monitoring.

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Try Facilio

3. Asset health & performance output

Imagine managing a high-rise office building with multiple elevators, backup generators, and advanced security systems. You need to keep a close eye on these critical assets to ensure they operate smoothly, reducing the risk of costly repairs and downtime.

This is where tracking asset health and performance comes in.

With effective asset performance management, you can detect problems ahead of time. For the mentioned example, this means regularly inspecting and servicing elevators to identify potential issues like worn-out cables or faulty sensors before they cause a breakdown. This not only extends the lifespan of the elevators but also ensures the safety and convenience of the building’s occupants.

HVAC asset health and cost analysis showing an increase in maintenance costs from last year
HVAC cost analysis

For instance, if you notice an elevator frequently has to stop unexpectedly, you can investigate the reason and implement preventative measures before it becomes a major problem, potentially inconveniencing tenants.

Here's what you need to consider when tracking asset health:

  1. Asset Uptime: How often is your equipment running smoothly?
  2. Failure Rate: How often does your equipment break down?
  3. Past Breakdowns: What issues have you encountered in the past? (This helps identify recurring problems.)
  4. Maintenance History: How often is your equipment serviced?
  5. Usage Frequency: How often is your equipment being used?

The asset depreciation takes into account the wear and tear over time and helps you understand the true value of your equipment, allowing you to make informed repair vs replacement decisions.

Depreciation Cost = Fixed Asset Cost - Accumulated Depreciation
Depreciation analysis of various assets with recommendations for maintenance of soon-to-expire equipment
Asset depreciation analysis

Tracking the uptime of the HVAC units, the number of times they've broken down in the past, and the frequency of maintenance tasks can help identify units with a high failure rate and requiring frequent repairs. This data signals that you need to consider replacing them with a more reliable model or investing in more frequent maintenance.

By monitoring asset performance and depreciation, you can reduce the risk of unexpected breakdowns and make informed decisions about repairs, replacements, and upgrades. You also save money on repairs in the long run, and your equipment is more efficient than ever!

Related read:

Asset Management: Repair or Replace | Facilio Blog
Asset management is critical for business operations. Learn more about how it can help you control downtime and manage unexpected costs.

4. Real-time budget expenditure analysis

Let's be real. No one wants to face a budget shortfall at the end of the year. By tracking your budget expenditures, you can avoid unpleasant surprises.

Real-time budget expenditure analysis allows facility managers to compare actual spending against planned budgets, identify areas of overspending, and implement cost-saving measures.

Analysis of planned vs. actual monthly spent on various utilities with 30% higher utility expenditure
Comparison of monthly planned vs. spent budget in facility management

You can identify trends and take corrective actions by closely monitoring maintenance and repair costs. If you notice frequent repairs for the building's plumbing, investing in a major overhaul might be more cost-effective rather than continuing with piecemeal fixes.

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The post talks about what a building management system is, how it improves the operational efficiency of buildings, top building management systems in the market, and how Facilio helps facilities managers transform operations management.

This approach not only saves money in the long run but also ensures the reliability of the building’s systems.

IT infrastructure is another area where budget management is crucial. Tracking expenses related to servers, networking equipment, and software licenses can help identify inefficiencies.

Perhaps some software subscriptions are underutilized, or certain hardware could be consolidated or upgraded to improve performance and reduce costs. This enables more efficient resource allocation and ensures that critical IT services are always available.

Real-time expense analysis helps facility managers make data-driven decisions, optimize spending, and demonstrate fiscal responsibility. This approach can maximize return on investment and ensure efficient use of resources.

An image that calls out people to register for a tech-driven campus operations webinar from Breck School's implementation of Facilio
Sign up to listen the insightful webinar on Breck School's digital journey

5. Utility costs per 1 m² or 1 ft²

Understanding and managing utility costs is crucial for the financial health of any large facility. By tracking utility costs per square meter or foot, facility managers can uncover significant savings opportunities and implement energy-saving measures.

Think about how much energy a large office building or a sprawling hospital consumes. By understanding your energy consumption patterns, you can identify opportunities to improve energy efficiency.  

Every watt of energy saved can contribute to a healthier environment and make a real difference in your bottom line.
Monthly utilities and water consumption and expenditure analysis with a 15% increase in usage and expenditure
Comparison of monthly utility costs

Water consumption, for instance, can be a significant expense, especially in large buildings with extensive plumbing systems. Monitoring water usage can identify high-consumption periods and potential leaks. Implementing water-saving fixtures like low-flow toilets and promptly repairing leaks can substantially reduce water bills.

Waste management costs can also add up quickly. Implementing better waste segregation practices and promoting recycling can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, thus lowering disposal fees.

Tracking and benchmarking utility costs per 1 m² or 1 ft² helps identify inefficiencies, implement energy-saving measures, and reduce operational costs. This saves money, contributes to a greener environment, and enhances the facility's overall sustainability.

Check out the video below to learn more about utility and energy benchmarking:

Powered by Trainn
Learn how utility and energy benchmarking is made easy with a connected CMMS!

6. Employee & occupant satisfaction surveys:

Regularly conducting satisfaction surveys among employees and building occupants provides valuable insights into the quality of your facility’s services and environment.

High satisfaction levels correlate with increased productivity and reduced turnover, making understanding and addressing any concerns essential.

Consider the cleanliness of the building. Feedback from employees and occupants can highlight areas that require more attention, such as restrooms, common areas, or specific office spaces.

If surveys reveal dissatisfaction with the cleanliness of the restrooms, for instance, you can address this issue by increasing the frequency of cleaning or improving the quality of cleaning services. This not only improves the overall environment but also boosts morale and satisfaction.

Occupants’ feedback reveals how safe and comfortable they feel within the building and whether there are any concerns about security measures.

Customer satisfaction survey results with an overall score of 85%
Customer satisfaction survey with scores given by multiple respondents

If there are complaints about long wait times for access or malfunctioning entry systems, you can upgrade access control systems or increase security personnel during peak times to address these concerns effectively.

If occupant surveys show that they are frequently uncomfortable due to poor air quality, you can invest in better ventilation systems or air purifiers.

Facility managers can use employee and occupant satisfaction surveys as a tool to improve the facility experience and build a stronger reputation.

Related read: Engaging occupants, tenants, vendors, and execs in a single platform

7. Safety & compliance

Staying compliant with regulations and standards is crucial to avoid penalties and ensure a safe working environment. By tracking compliance deadlines, facility managers can proactively manage regulatory requirements and avoid legal issues.

Fire safety regulations often require regular inspections of sprinkler systems and fire alarms. By keeping track of these compliance requirements and deadlines, you can ensure that inspections are completed on time, avoiding potential fines and ensuring the safety of building occupants.

Comparison of vendor SLA breaches with a 15% increase from last year
Vendor SLA adherence report

Environmental regulations, such as waste disposal and emissions, also require careful monitoring. Ensuring that waste is disposed of correctly and that emissions are within permitted levels keeps you compliant and demonstrates a commitment to environmental responsibility.

Health and safety compliance involves regular equipment checks and maintenance, like emergency exits, first aid kits, and personal protective equipment (PPE).

By tracking these compliance activities, you ensure that all safety measures are up to date and that the building meets all health and safety standards. This reduces the risk of accidents and ensures a safe working environment for everyone.

By staying on top of your compliance requirements, you can protect your facility from legal and financial risks and ensure a safe and secure environment for everyone.

8. Ticket raised to resolved percentage

When your building's tenants report issues constantly, tracking the time it takes to resolve them becomes crucial. A high ticket resolution rate indicates that issues are being addressed promptly, which improves tenant satisfaction and minimizes disruptions.

If the resolution rate is low, it might signal a need for more maintenance personnel or better inventory management for spare parts.

Work orders with a 20% increase in resolved tickets from last month
Work order tickets: raised to resolved ratio

Measuring the efficiency of your service request management process is crucial for maintaining high facility management standards. Tracking the percentage of tickets raised to resolve helps identify and address bottlenecks in the maintenance process.

For example, plumbing issues can cause significant inconvenience to occupants. By tracking the time it takes to resolve plumbing-related tickets, you can identify whether the current maintenance strategies are effective or if additional training or resources are needed for the maintenance team.

Closely monitoring the 'ticket raised' to 'resolved' percentage keeps the maintenance teams responsive and efficient, leading to higher satisfaction and a well-maintained building.

Powered by Trainn
Improving work order resolution SLAs with connected CMMS

How are legacy systems sabotaging your KPI tracking?

Traditional CMMS systems often feel like they're from a different era, which makes it hard to get a clear picture of your facilities' performance.

They can be clunky to use, slow to respond, and lack the flexibility needed to make informed decisions. You're constantly jumping between different tools, trying to piece together information, and manually creating a report.

Because of this, tracking KPIs turns into an uphill battle. You often wait for reports or manually collect data, which can delay your decision-making. Many tasks, like scheduling maintenance and generating reports, require manual input, making the process tedious and time-consuming.

Additionally, outdated systems lack advanced analytics capabilities, making it difficult to identify trends, forecast future needs, and optimize your maintenance strategy.

Harnessing the power of connected CMMS for KPIs tracking

On the other hand, picture having all your facility data at your fingertips, ready to help you make smarter decisions. That’s exactly what a connected CMMS is capable of. It brings all your maintenance information into one centralized platform, eliminating the need for multiple spreadsheets and systems.

However, a connected CMMS goes beyond simply gathering data. It also provides powerful reporting and analytics capabilities that make it easy to understand and act on the insights you gain.

Connected CMMS platform

Imagine a world where reports are automatically generated, providing you with all the information you need in one place.

This means no more wrestling with spreadsheets or struggling to compile data from different sources. With customizable reports and dashboards, you can see exactly what you need, whether it's the performance of individual assets, the status of your vendor contracts, or the trends in your budget expenditures.

Think of a connected CMMS as your secret weapon for optimizing your facilities management. Connected CMMS has helped countless organizations achieve operational excellence by leveraging the power of data and automation. Want to be the next facility management leader to unlock operational excellence? Sign up for a demo today.

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1. What are KPIs in Facility Management (FM)?

KPIs in facility management are metrics used to evaluate the performance and efficiency of facility operations. These indicators help facility managers track progress, identify areas for improvement, and ensure that the facility is operating optimally.

2. What is the difference between KPIs and metrics?

KPIs are specific metrics that are tied to business objectives and are critical for success. Metrics are broader and can include any quantifiable measure used to track and assess the status of a specific process.

3. Why should facility managers monitor KPIs?

Facility managers should monitor KPIs to ensure efficient operations, reduce costs, improve client satisfaction, and achieve business goals. KPIs provide actionable insights that can guide decision-making and strategic planning.

4. What are the must-monitor KPIs for facility managers?

Essential KPIs for facility managers include reactive vs. planned maintenance ratio, vendor work order SLA adherence, asset health and performance output, real-time budget expenditure analysis, utility costs per 1 m² or 1 ft², employee and occupant satisfaction surveys, safety and compliance, and ticket raised to resolved percentage.

5. How are KPIs monitored in facility management?

KPIs are monitored through a combination of data collection tools, such as CMMS (Computerized Maintenance Management Systems), regular inspections, surveys, and real-time monitoring systems. These tools help facility managers track performance, analyze data, and make informed decisions.