Operational Excellence

Automate Your Facility Management Workflows: You Can't Automate People

Workflow automation in facility management isn't about replacing humans; it's about eliminating mundane tasks and empowering all stakeholders.

Workflow management optimizes tasks, eliminating repetition, reducing errors, and boosting productivity. In day-to-day operations, workflow automation helps ensure that tasks are completed and goals met, involving a wide range of activities from sending emails to scheduling meetings.

The global facility management market is projected to soar from $1,277.8 billion in 2023 to $2,284.8 billion by 2032. This explosive growth pressures facility managers (FMs) to optimize operations like never before.

Today, FMs grapple with disjointed processes, manual interventions, and communication gaps, leading to delays, increased costs, and reduced tenant satisfaction.

Innovative solutions are essential to overcome these operational bottlenecks as the industry evolves.

The key lies in automating workflows through a unified platform that integrates systems, people, and processes, allowing facility managers to meet and exceed the demands of a rapidly changing industry.

As Stewart Butterfield, the visionary former CEO of Slack, once eloquently stated:

Automation isn't about replacing humans; it's about liberating us from monotonous tasks.

The cost of a disconnected ecosystem

Facility managers today are tangled in a web of disconnected tools, turning information into a fragmented system rather than a streamlined process.

  1. Information overload: FM teams face a barrage of service requests, maintenance tasks, and vendor communications across various platforms, making it hard to prioritize and address efficiently.
  2. Manual-intensive processes: Tasks like work order creation and invoice processing rely heavily on manual intervention, consuming time and causing errors and delays.
  3. Lack of visibility: Without a centralized platform, tracking work orders, monitoring KPIs, or spotting issues is tough. Constantly reacting instead of proactively managing hampers decision-making.
  4. Inefficient communication: Back-and-forth emails and phone calls create miscommunications, delays, and frustration among FM teams, tenants, and vendors.
  5. Impenetrable data silos: Trapped data impedes informed decision-making, resource optimization, and spotting cost-saving opportunities.

Let us assume that a tenant reports an HVAC issue, but the request gets buried. The technician, unaware of the urgency, responds after days, leaving the tenant frustrated and eroding trust. This communication breakdown causes delays and dissatisfaction, ultimately resulting in churn.

These instances are precisely where integrated systems and streamlined workflows via centralized platform sprinkle some fairy dust to significantly improve operations and tenant satisfaction.

Everything from simple approvals to complex processes become stagnant without human facilitators leading to:
1. A complete disarray in operations
2. Dissatisfied client and tenant base
3. Irregular workload amongst technicians
and other operational hurdles...

Why workflow automation is critical in facility management?

Facility managers today face a complex landscape marked by resource constraints, fragmented data, and reactive maintenance strategies. These hurdles drain efficiency, inflate costs, and compromise tenant satisfaction in a reputation-driven industry.

Change is non-negotiable.

Facility managers need to abandon siloed systems and embrace a connected, efficient approach. Automated workflows are the linchpin for conquering today's facility management challenges.

Nearly 60% of large commercial buildings in the U.S. have building automation systems. The U.S. Department of Energy notes that optimizing HVAC systems yields significant energy savings.

Workflow automation centralizes data, boosting efficiency, reducing costs, and improving building performance.

Conquering FM challenges with automated workflows

Facilio’s Connected CMMS tackles these pain points, offering a unified platform that enhances operations and communication across your facility management ecosystem.

  • Login instantly: Tenants submit service requests through a simple portal, eliminating lost emails.
  • Smart routing: Requests are logged, categorized, and assigned to the best technician immediately.
  • Real-time updates: Technicians get instant notifications with all relevant details.
  • Complete transparency: Tenants track progress in real-time, cutting out frustrating follow-ups.

With Facilio’s Connected CMMS, forget paperwork and endless email chains. Everything you need is on one platform. Service requests are auto-routed to the right technician with all details, giving you real-time updates and a clear overview of all tasks, keeping you in control.

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Empowering stakeholders with a unified platform

Facilio's Connected CMMS platform revolutionizes facility management by tailoring processes to meet unique needs and creating seamless, efficient workflows.

Clients, teams, vendors, and stakeholders enjoy specific access through Facilio's app and dedicated portals, ensuring everyone is connected and engaged.

See how Investa streamlined operations, and augmented tenant and contractor experience with Facilio’s Connected CMMS

Read case study

For vendors

As a stakeholder or facility manager, you need more than just basic tools—you need a centralized hub. Facilio's vendor portal delivers just that.

Facilio's vendor portal streamlines communication and collaboration, offering instant access to work orders and essential documentation. This reduces delays and errors, ensuring efficient operations and robust vendor relationships.

For technicians

Technicians can use Facillio’s mobile app to access work orders, safety plans, and equipment manuals instantly. This boosts productivity, speeds up issue resolution, and enhances tenant satisfaction.

The app allows real-time updates and progress tracking, keeping everyone informed and eliminating the need for constant status reports.

An insightful view of the Facilio technician dashboard, showcasing detailed work orders and assignments efficiently managed by a technician.
Facilio's Technician Dashboard

For clients and tenants

Facilio’s intuitive portal allows clients and tenants to submit service requests, track progress, and provide feedback.

This open communication fosters trust, ensuring concerns are promptly addressed. Engaging stakeholders in the maintenance process not only enhances their experience but also offers valuable insights for continuous improvement.

Communication between tenants and facility management team on a faulty HVAC system
Facilio’s client service feedback dashboard

For executives

Facilio empowers executives to gain full control over building operations. The centralized platform offers detailed insights into maintenance costs, resource utilization, compliance, and asset performance.

Gain a holistic view of your portfolio’s O&M score, encompassing maintenance costs, resource usage, compliance scores, and SLAs. Make data-driven decisions to optimize your portfolio.

An image of happy healthcare professionals and executive looking over insights from their healthcare operations
Facilio allows you to take control of your operations with data-driven insights

Your highway to better facility management

Facilio's Connected CMMS is more than just software—it's your ally in crafting a robust O&M strategy.

This platform equips you with the tools and adaptability needed to develop a facility management system that genuinely caters to your needs.

With Facilio, automation and customization become second nature. Seamlessly automate task approvals, direct requests to specific technicians, and maintain oversight with real-time updates and automated reporting.

According to a report by Cflow, 85% of business leaders view automation as pivotal in freeing their workforce to focus on strategic initiatives that are crucial for business growth.

Here’s how workflow automation transforms facility management

A table that gets into the details of the real-life benefits of workflow automation in facility management and how it matters
Benefits of workflow automation in facility management

Managing energy efficiency for thousands of retail stores across North and Latin America itself is challenging, and it isa complete nightmare when an inefficient alarm system is flooding you with alerts. This was the daily struggle for Tuten Labs, a pioneer in retail energy management.

With Facilio's unified monitoring and maintenance platform, Tuten Labs' automated workflows and prioritized alarm triaging brought order to chaos, optimizing service efficiency and improving asset uptime.

The transformation was remarkable—service calls dropped by 15% and operational efficiency soared. Streamlined processes empowered Tuten Labs to deliver top-notch energy management services, setting new industry standards.

Facilio helps organizations like Tuten Labs optimize operations, reduce costs, and enhance performance. Tuten Labs' success is a testament to the immense value of workflow automation, proving that embracing Facilio isn't just about new technology—it's about making facility management effortless.

Watch workflow automation in action with Facilio

Facilio's Connected CMMS is making waves in the workflow automation segment focusing primarily on the facility management industry by connecting processes, people, and precious siloed data.

By empowering managers to achieve operational excellence, Facilio automates workflows and optimizes resources, enhancing SLA adherence, energy consumption, and space utilization. An array of industries ranging from Prop tech companies to Convention Centres witness tangible results with Facilio.

Embrace a connected CMMS for efficiency, tenant satisfaction, and sustainable growth. Book a demo with our specialists and discover a streamlined, automated future with Facilio’s Connected CMMS.

Are you ready to automate workflows in your facilities?
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