Beyond Boundaries: Fortes Education's 360° Control Makeover with Facilio

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Accurate energy analytics for multi-site energy optimization
Dubai, UAE
Connected CaFM and Buildings solutions for portfolio-wide management and resource consumption optimization.
  • Digitize O&M operations and improve process efficiency
  • Optimize PPM and automate reactive maintenance for swifter resolution
  • Improve building performance and enhance sustainability via asset integration
  • Centralize O&M via customized dashboards for stakeholders
  • Mobilize field staff to manage processes on the go
Headquartered in Dubai, UAE, Fortes Education is a distinguished leader in the realm of positive learning. Year after year, the organization educates thousands of students through its esteemed educational institutions, which include Sunmarke School, Regent International School, and Jumeirah International Nurseries, encompassing six nursery schools.


To achieve its objectives, Team Fortes had to overcome some roadblocks within its existing O&M processes.

  • Siloed Data Within Disparate Apps: While the FM team predominantly managed O&M processes with apps like BMS, Excel, and MS Teams, data had to be manually processed.
  • Low Workforce Productivity: Manual processes resulted in accountability issues, communication breakdowns, and inefficient inventory management, wasting valuable time and resources.
  • Limited Visibility into Technician Operations: The lack of insight into technician activities led to resource conflicts, work order (WO) allocation challenges, and difficulties enforcing SLAs.
  • Limited Understanding of Asset Performance and Space Management: Manual handling of asset-related data, repairs, and space availability inquiries proved labor-intensive and costly while providing little visibility into asset performance.
  • Lack of Occupant and Vendor Management Mechanism: Since all service requests and vendor operations were managed manually, this resulted in poor vendor performance tracking and poor servicing.
  • Poor Occupant Experience and Inflated Resource Consumption: Decentralized building system control caused delays in addressing asset failures, negatively impacting occupant experience and leading to increased resource consumption.

Facilio's Solution:

Facilios’ Connected CaFM + Connected Buildings Solution delivered a comprehensive and tailored solution to address Fortes Educations' challenges.

Building a Cohesive and End-to-End Maintenance Management Process:

Service Request Management:

By deploying Facilio’s service portal, team Fortes crated a single access point for their entire teaching to raise, track, communicate & send feedback on all requests.

Effortless WO Management:

With Facilio, team Fortes created an end-to-end work order management process - automating request approval, enabling calendar-based WO allocation, and automated resource tracking.

Asset and Space Management:

Team Fortes now had one-click assets to thousands of assets & their lifecycle details such as performance, maintenance history, costs, etc. Facilio also helped them catalog & manage different campus spaces in one place.

Mobile Workforce:

With Facilios' mobility solution, Team Fortes could remotely manage their technician/vendor ops - sharing access to work order details, instructions, checklists, tools, etc.

Templatized Inspections:

Team Fortes used Facilio’s digital inspection checklists to go paperless. This significantly saved time, enhanced compliance, and improved audit readiness.

Complete Vendor Lifecycle Management:

Facilio streamlined vendor ops by digitizing onboarding, verification, approval, and renewal. This provided comprehensive visibility & enhanced SLA enforcement.

Digitized Inventory and Store Management:

Facilios' integrated store management simplified activities like part tracking, cost documentation, automatic PO/PR generation, and auto-restocking inventory levels for smooth operations.

Utility Monitoring, Energy Analytics, and FDD (Fault Detection and Diagnosis):

By integrating with the existing BMS system, Facilio helped team Fortes track, score, and enhance building performance across the portfolio. Facilio’s intelligent fault detection and diagnostics feature helped team Fortes simplify root cause analysis & promptly deploy resources.

Highly Customizable Reports and Dashboards:

Equipped with 150+ customizable business reports, Team Fortes established a tailored reporting ecosystem. They also designed user-specific dashboards, ensuring that each team member had access to relevant information


Implementing Facilios' solutions resulted in a remarkable transformation for Fortes Education. By enhancing their O&M efficiency and optimizing resource utilization across their portfolio, they created a superior learning environment while realizing significant efficiency gains.

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