Shifts: Configure multiple shifts, breaks and assign them to different employees and efficiently track and re-assign them using the Shift planner.
Attendance: Log and track the check-in, check-out, break and working hours of the employees efficiently using Attendance
With Glimpses, configure up to six fields to provide a quick glance of any module that would pop-up when you hover over a lookup field within the module
Global scoping & User scoping: With scoping at app level and user level, control and map data to the right stakeholders, restrict unauthorized access to modules that are not in their purview
Surveys : Configure and roll out Surveys to Tenants and Occupants using Facilio
Revisioning for Job Plan is supported
Comments Enhancements: You can now mention other people in comments and get notifications for the same. You can also reply to comments and maintain threads.
Vendor Kiosk
RFQ Closed Bid
Group Invite
Q1 2023
All new enhanced, simpler and easier to configure PPM 2.0
Job Plans : Define templates of task list specific to asset/space/categories that can be mapped to multiple PPMs and Work orders
Template sharing : With this you can control who can access what templates by sharing templates to particular roles.
Define route and route stops that has sequence of spaces/assets which can be mapped to PPM or Work order
January 16, 2023
Send invitation toggle is added for adding users in Maintenance app
Timeline view live in tenant, vendor and occupant portal - Custom
Script logs is live. You can access the logs in Setup -> logs -> Script logs.
Safety Plan is live in Web and Android
Quotation Module is now live in Android and IOS
Bug fixes
The issue of Energy Costs not appearing on the mobile dashboard despite being configured on the web application has been resolved.
The issue of an error being thrown when attempting to create a record using the state transition button has been resolved.
The issue of the associated fault list showing a significant number in the report but returning an empty list when clicked has been resolved.
The KPI card module's drill-down function is not retrieving the appropriate module.
The issue of the graph displaying outdated information has been resolved.
On iOS devices, the Facilio app continues to load until it is closed and reopened.
Although the form rule has been set up to auto-populate fields when the custom button is clicked, the "Site Lookup" field is not being populated automatically.
Company profile image can now be reset
Incorrect Default task reading time in WorQ app (both android and iOS) - fixed
Workorders of some of the PPMs (V1.0) did not get triggered - fixed
Next schedule date in PPM (V1.0) showed past date - fixed
Staff field isn't showing maintenance app users - fixed
Full summary page is replaced by quick summary page in documents module
Delete popup message error in Admin documents - fixed
Email id validation in contract directory has been fixed
January 2, 2023
Connected apps limit is updated as 2. If you enocunter a worst case where you need more than 2, then we can adjust the limit in OrgInfo property : connectedAppsLimit
PPM has been revampped and is live.
SLA is supported for Inspection
SLA has been revamped with better usability and understanding
History is supported for Live KPI
History is supported for Rules (Fault generation and Fault Impact calculation)
QR Stateflow feature - QR Field configuration, to scan during the state flow process has been released
Exportable field fetaure is live which restricts certain fields from being exported
User can view & manage the quotes (created in web) for each of the workorder.
Bug fixes
The issue with emails not being converted into service requests has been resolved.
The issue with the Occupant Portal Service Request form, where the Site Filter was not being applied, has been resolved.
The issue with views created for the maintenance app being visible in the main app has been resolved.
When a user downloads a dashboard as a PDF, the PDF opens with correct data rather than displaying a 403 error.
User can now generate pivot reports for the inspection module.
When you update a record using the custom button for the lookup field, a 'internal server error' occurs, which is resolved.
The problem with the tree map collapsing when the building filter is applied has been resolved.
In matrix question of Inspection, all the columns were not visible in UI which is now fixed using horizontal scroll
Connected apps did not render workorder details - fixed
User unable to view attachment in work permit module (web) - fixed
User couldnt search records in iOS vendor portal app- fixed
Bulk action leading to two different behaviors when selected twice - fixed
While clicking on space icon in Service Request summary in occupant portal, the redirection shows 404 error. The redirection has been disabled.
Booking site not showing in list view - fixed
Alignment issues in storeroom summary page fixed.
December 26, 2022
Subforms is now supported in mobile platform
Kiosk - Country code support
Custom button is now supported for Faults and BMS Alarms
Custom views and Column customisation is supported for Rules
The user journey for viewing pivot in list view has been updated with a more intuitive approach.
Bug fixes
While adding an user when a security policy is added and removed, user creation was failing which is now fixed
In Inspection matrix questions, all columns were not visible issue is fixed
In Rich text editor, inline attachments not rendering issue fixed
Public file url fix for emailtemplates
Recipient list/Recipient count showing no values in few cases issue is fixed
In WorkQ app, workorder didnt display the “Assigned To” field - Fixed (in both Android & iOS)
Users were not able to Bulk Close workorders from list view - Fixed
Few PPMs in an org (SM Clean) didn’t generate workorders - Fixed
In Task settings (both in workorder & ppm), when readings are to be added for an asset/space, the reading options were not getting displayed - Fixed
While editing the Task settings, Users were not able to remove deviation value that was previously added- Fixed
Issue is Updating rule name, fault type and severity in Rules fixed
Internal server error in root cause tab of Fault Summary page is fixed
In Rule Summary page, Status of root cause not reflecting properly issue fixed
In Rule Summary page, The count of assets to which the rule is applicable to was always pointing as all assets, which is now fixed and will show the specific assets to which the rule is configured
Pivot drill down did not work properly because the incorrect filters were used.
Setting the row limit on pivot had some issues.
When editing dashboard in maintenance, it redirects to the main app.
When editing a pivot and accessing the dashboard is not evenly spaced.
The attachment count of WO was not correctly displayed in list view.
The dashboard was not accessible via the employee portal.
Portal UI breakage (custom and system buttons) when the subject of record is too long
For some case, site field is not displayed in summary widget for custom module issue fixed.
Fix for listing unused fields in forms for system modules
In Module KPI, when a new record is added it was not listed in list view due to criteria builder issue is fixed
December 12, 2022
Weather Stations Revamp
Site Summary Revamp
You can now customise the tool tip on floor plans and select which primary and secondary fields to display.
Any module's markers can be set up on the floor plan, which makes them easier to see in the map view. For instance, a map that visualises assets
Bug fixes
In Security Policy, When Password policy is given as Mixed Password, Passwords without lower case was also being accepted which is now fixed
In Accessible Spaces, The no of sites/buildings not reflecting to the ones selected issue is fixed
In Employee list view, last record not visible issue is fixed
In Teams, People lookup not showing all the records issue is fixed
In Inspections, Admins not able to edit System view issue is now fixed
In PPM, lookup field values during edit didn’t get filled - fixed
While editing a ppm, previously added documents were not getting displayed - Fixed
PPM of schedule type “Do not repeat” were not getting scheduled for a few records- fixed
PPM didn’t trigger work orders for a record in Aster account - fixed
In Vendor Portal, Datetime fields were getting displayed in mislliseconds instead of the standard format in Fortes Education account - fixed
Maintenance app not loading - fixed
In workorder settings, rearranging of Priority wasn’t working - Fixed by removing the rearranging feature for priority
Accessible spaces for Site or buildings could not be selected properly issue fixed.
Error thrown while switching work order form issue is fixed now.
The confusing UX of changing the mouse cursor to a clickable breadcrumb on the service catalogue has been removed, as it was not clickable in the first place.
When the chart type was selected as a table, the rendering was not done correctly.
Removing criteria causes a fixed number to be prefilled into the operator field.
In comments, when the number of comments count is high, it won't scroll properly. This issue is fixed now.
Enable/Disable in form rules was not working for visitor kiosk invite form. This issue has been resolved. (IOS)
December 5, 2022
Related List feature release in Vendor and Tenant app.
Failure class release in iOS.
Bug fixes
Unable to remove People from Team issue fixed
When a mandatory question is not answered in Inspection, it was showing invalid error message which is now fixed
In Inspection, Created Time was being displayed incorrectly in summary page. This is now fixed
User were not viewing expected error message in iOS while entering an invalid date time in WO Task. Issue has been fixed and the users will view error message for this case.
User wasn’t getting redirected from child workorder to parent workorder when selecting the parent workorder id in child workorder summary. Error has been resolved
User was not receiving a defined error for a task that’s not saved but closed. User will not view an appropriate error message while performing this use case
Fields were displayed twice (duplicated) during ppm import. Error has been resolved
User was unable to select Site/building in PM Asset Planner in Calendar. Error has been resolved
Asset filter wasn’t working as expected in PPM, it fetched the assets only for the first site. Error has been resolved.
User able to click custom button second time while loading issue fixed.
Workflow Rule subforms not working fixed.
Fix for Related list mismatch between web and mobile.
During approval process, user was not seeing any expected error (config, system validations etc). Issue has been fixed.
Quote pdf not downloading because of wrong URL redirection in mobile. This issue is fixed
Multi select field in tenant mobile app was not supported in IOS. This issue has been fixed.
Team/Staff assigned to not showing in workorder summary is fixed.
November 28, 2022
User delegation for many users at same time is supported now.
WebTab support added for Service Catalog and Floor Map
Dashboard List - Hide folders when pages are empty
Dashboard List - Hide pages when It is deactivated for Mobile
Default reading time support in Task in both android and iOS.
Comments update with visibility modification support.
E2 agent Timeseries support.
Search in Commissioning page
Multiple and empty controller filter support in points page
Controller status shown in list and overview
Discover button enabled in un configured tab only.
Remote agent search in command log page
Changed to controller name instead of device name field in commissioning page
Fixed copy paste issue in commissioning page when search bar is active.
Fixed unit copy paste issue on edit
Bug fixes
Columns selected in the view manager get reset when view edit is fixed.
Email issue in scheduler for particular mail id is fixed.
Fields displays twice in view manager select columns issue fixed.
Users being able to click a custom button second time while loading, has been handled in the UI.
When a bug ticket is opened from Workchat (bot), it redirects to that particular ticket and the back option to list page is working fine.
Issues exporting work order reports with comments are supported now.
The Exported file for a Workorder is showing ID in place of Space/Asse is fixed.
PPM Before Execution notification is not getting in both email and app notification.
After creating a service request from the service catalog, the cancel button is unresponsive.
Cost BreakUp Graph not loading properly issue is fixed now.
Custom module avatar image loading fixed.
Service catalog form will load properly.
Team/Staff field deselect issue fix.
November 21, 2022
Dashboards sorting based on their sequence number in dashboard folders was done in both, android and iOS..
Bug fixes
Error in downloading metadata for SSO in Occupant portal issue fixed.
While creating new team, search not working properly in People lookup field issue fixed.
Error in updating role in ‘Occupant portal’ issue fixed.
UI (spacing) issues fixed in Inspection.
Text validations in Inspection - Multi question & Matrix question fixed.
In Occupant portal & Employee portal, when a user is added screen not reloading issue fixed
Team/staff field not being listed in unused fields under forms is fixed.
Unable to save matrix fields in Q&A Builder is fixed.
PPM not saving after trying to save the new triggers is working fine now.
The vendor portal option is not listed in the main app after adding the work permit module is fixed.
Team/Staff field in the list view of the service Request module now shows both team and staff.
Service request list view issues fixed.
Dashboard is now not visible when it is disabled for mobile apps..
Tasks list/ section sorting by sequence with number support.
November 14, 2022
Resource field is now supported in transaction rules.
Error messages are better handled while conducting inspections.
In Faults list view, cost/energy impact not displayed issue fixed.
In timeline view, group by user not working, fixed now.
Calendar shows incorrect schedule time compared to PPM issue fixed.
Qatar currency is now reflecting in workorder cost.
Resource Planner Filter resets when navigated to the next page issue fixed.
In the Q&A builder, error thrown when "always display this question” and “never display this question” issue are fixed now.
In the inspection module, UI breakage in the trigger tab is fixed now.
Deleted people were previously appearing in the teams list which is fixed now.
Could not access the Configured Form in Maintenance App due to form rules issue fixed.
November 7, 2022
Option to add attachment using Public URL is supported from script.
The "from" field in email settings can now be mapped to a string field.
Portuguese language support in android app.
Introduced “status” field in email logs.
Bug fixes
Announcements not working if audience has deleted the contact works fine now.
User invitation & reset password links not working in on premise setup has been fixed.
Invalid username shown if email is chosen from auto suggestion in mobile login screen issue fixed.
Username not showing for a few activities because the portal user api response is huge is fixed.
When creating an EMail to Work Order, the requestor field does not populate with the details of the person sending the email, which is fixed now.
While adding more tasks in the work order, the serial number showed incorrect data after reaching 9 no's and above is fixed.
Emoji Question with range as 10 shows only 9 emojis are working fine now.
In Service request, private comments are now visible in custom apps.
October 31, 2022
Dynamic privacy policy Url support in portal apps.
Supporting Portuguese language in Workq app - iOS.
Bug fixes
View Creation redirection issue in Service request is fixed now.
Dashboard download not working in web tab apps issue fixed.
UI CSS fixes for adding folder and word break in customise column, during view creation is fixed.
In Service Request , while adding a comment, the “from” mail to be filled with current user’s name and email is fixed in both android and iOS.
Dashboard not showing for a particular user in IOS is fixed.
October 17, 2022
Pivot tables are now supported in “Web tab” Apps.
A new function “addOrUpdateCommentsSharing()” is added in our Facilio Script
Usage of the above Function : Before we were able to post public or private comments through comments sections, using scripting by default, comments sections were private only. Now using addOrUpdateCommentsSharing() function, comments can be added private or public with ease.
Bug fixes
Date time formatting issues was faced in the dashboard reading table, is now fixed.
In the pivot table, column resize changes were not able to be saved, and are now fixed.
In some cases, matrix question answers were not getting saved, but are now fixed.
In the Inspection module, in the advanced filter the site field was repeated twice, and now it is fixed.
Summary Fixes for Service Request.
IIn Privacy Policy, Url Fixes have been done.
Site switch support has been given in webview.
October 10, 2022
Failure Reporting is released in mobile.
“History” Tab is now supported for the custom apps created from the mainApp.
A Privileged role user, can now be able to see all the other user’s views created from View Manager.
Pivot table reports can be sent via emails now possible.
Bug fixes
Css fixes for Column customization in Related List Widgets.
Timeline view group criteria error is now fixed.
In Module summary, the same user’s name that was showing for all actions in the history tab is now fixed.
In form Builder, adding and deleting duplicate fields caused form loading and saving errors, is now fixed.
In inventory, during item addition using import the null exception of mandatory fields is now fixed.
In export, enum field was showing garbage number values is now fixed.
Workflow rule’s orderby was having issues with pagination, now fixed.
In Module Summary, empty string fields were showing in the History tab is now fixed.
Work order Export problem is fixed.
An issue as in security violation where other user’s profile details were editable by others, it is now fixed.
Blocking invalid emails to be sent to people is done.
Attachment file field in subform issue is now fixed.
October 3, 2022
Relationship set-up page now supports search and pagination.
E2 device is supported for BMS alarms.
In Points and Commissioning page, controller lookup filter is added.
In Agent, bulk processing of events is now added.
Retry is now supported for “Command”.
Whenever a controller becomes unresponsive, its status can now be seen in the controllers list view.
Scheduling reports is now supported for Pivot table.
Criteria builder enhancements are now made for Module KPI and Module Reports.
Lookup field(multi-select) is now opened for all modules.
Approvals for mobile is now supported in IOS as well.
Relationships is now supported for all modules in WorkQ application.
Bug fixes
If no views are configured, loading view manager was throwing ‘Page not found’ error which is now fixed.
In work order actuals, adding new item was not happening which is now fixed.
Lookup field in summary page not working as expected in mobile application issue is fixed.
September 26, 2022
Email delivery status(Delivered/Bounced) can now be tracked using “Email Logs”.
Pivot table - A technique to visualize, summarize, compare, analyze patterns and trends in your data is now live.
Notes & Information section in Inspection is now supported for portal apps as well.
Signature field is now supported in Form builder for all modules.
Bug fixes
Minor fixes in pagination and site field SLA.
Re-invite not working for portal app users in some cases is fixed.
September 19, 2022
KPI is now supported for live frequencies - 1 min to 1 Day.
Default App and My Apps list is now visible in User summary page.
Subspace is now supported till Level 5.
In Facilio Top Bar, a new connected app widget is added.
Bug fixes
In Bookings list view, date fields was showing time values which is now fixed.
Users were able to access set-up pages through URL even when the permissions were revoked, this is now fixed.
In work order module, Performance optimisation is done for adding comments to a record.
In contract summary page, redirection to respective tenant unit was not happening as expected, which is now fixed.
UI issues in Facility booking is fixed.
In reports tab under custom apps, Create report button was not displayed which is now fixed.
When the invite is re-triggered for portal users, the URL generated was invalid. This is now fixed.
SEPTEMBER 12, 2022
Users can now decide who can view the comments added to a record. Comments can now be made Private, Public or can be restricted to selected portal users.
Resources is now live:
People & Teams - A consolidated list of all the users of Facilio including Main app and Portals.
Labor - A user type who can be associated with craft/skill and can be assigned related works.
Crafts and Skills - It’s a list of available craft and its associated skill level to which a Labor can be associated.
In Inspection/Induction, Multi-Question type, Scoring for Multi-Question and Answer display logic is now supported.
Audit logs is now available for:
Webtab roles.
Tasks addition and deletion in work order.
In users My profile, a new tab “My Apps” is added which will now give a summary of list of Apps the user has access to and also the ability to change the default App in the logged in domain.
In Users page, filtration based on user status is now supported.
SLA Types can now be created for specific module by selecting the module from the module drop down list in setup.
Relationships now live in both IOS and Android for Workorder, asset and custom modules.
Approvals can now be done through any Android mobile device.
URL field is now supported in forms and record summary in IOS application.
Failure reporting feature is live in Android application.
Bug fixes
In Form Rules, if the Team/Staff field is given as trigger field, the form rules were not executed. This is now fixed.
In Bookings list view, createdBy and modifiedBy values not being displayed issue is now fixed.
In Webtab Apps, redirection of lookup field in work order summary not working issue is fixed.
When there is more than one delegation for an user, Accessible sites scoping was not happening which is now fixed.
In Work order, bulk update of pick-list fields not working issue is fixed.
When a work order is created, local id was undefined which is now fixed.
In work order summary, file preview/download of the file fields not working issue is fixed.
Custom module and related list UI alignment issues fixed.
Updating a single SLA commitment value reflecting in other SLA commitments issue is fixed.
When creating a new view, the sharing permission was resetting to “only me” by default, this issue is now fixed.
Single dashboard was not supported in portals, which is now handled.
If an Inspection Template is deactivated, associated inspections should also be deactivated which was not working as expected in mobile applications. This is now fixed.
In Tenant App, UI related consistency issues between IOS and Android is fixed.
September 5, 2022
In Budgets summary page, under Transactions tab sorting option is now supported.
While adding or updating records of People, Validation of email is now supported.
Bug fixes
When the assignment rule is configured for work order, edit or update was not working, which is now fixed.
Work order summary page not reloading after update action is now fixed.
In Work order, under Items & Labor tab the quantity of services not being editable is now fixed.
In Work order, under Items & Labor tab the issue in listing multiple services is now fixed by making it scrollable.
In Items summary, adjusting the balance without unit price and returning the item without mentioning the quantity of items were throwing internal server error, which is now fixed.
Users will now not be able to access portals, if the users access is revoked.
Summary page of 3rd level subspace getting crashed is now fixed
August 29, 2022
Validation rules can now be created in forms.
Same module relationship is supported now.
SLA policy is now supported for all modules along with pagination in list view.
Service Request module released in iOS.
In Service request, description can be added for Priority field.
In Service request form, comments and due date field has been added.
In the dashboard, option to toggle Dark mode is supported.
In RFQ, line Item comparison can be done in the summary now.
Select box for Asset/Space activity had the check box to the left which is now moved to right.
Loading time for Custom modules is reduced in iOS.
Multi enum/picklist values shown in WO/Custom Module summary were not user friendly, for which option has been added to display all the values.
In Agent List, pagination is added.
New connected app widget (View Background) is supported. Using this we can be able to refresh the list and also have the option to update column values & column style from the connected app widget.
In the workflow script editor, syntax highlighting, auto suggestions, inline function definition is newly added for ease.
Bug fixes
Changes made by the portal user is now recorded in the activities tab for users without user management permission.
Error in approvals, if the user has permission to approve but is not active at the time of approval is fixed now.
In workflow, special type lookup fields user, group and space issue is fixed.
In list view, if a connected widget is added, scroll view not working issue fixed.
In the custom module, report drill down redirection issue fixed.
Error during tools import is Fixed.
In the Deliveries module, form not showing up on scan issue fixed.
Portuguese language support issue fixed in iOS.
Form attachment in the custom module summary is fixed.
August 22, 2022
SLA Policy is now supported in the Service Request Module.
A new column “Mapped Time” is added, and on hover the last recorded time is shown in the points page commissioned tab.
From agent dashboard cards, proper respective redirection is made now.
Data missing for points count is shown in alarms summary page, when clicked that it gets redirected to points page which shows the Data missing points.
The toast message for Configure, Un-configure, Subscribe, and Discover is now changed to information message.
Removed Clear Button, View Work Order and Create Work Order On iot/alarms Summary page.
In Add controllers Agent dropdown, The name “Agent Name” is now changed to “Display Name”.
In Agent List, pagination is added.
New connected app widget (View Background) is supported. Using this we can be able to refresh the list and also have the option to update column values & column style from the connected app widget.
In the workflow script editor, syntax highlighting, auto suggestions, inline function definition is newly added for ease.
Bug fixes
In the KPI form in the date fields section, “Modified time” field was not shown before, but now it is fixed.
Dashboard timeline filter save button was not working, now fixed.
In Visitor group invite, when one lookup field’s value is copied and when attempting to paste in another lookup field of different type then the “error message” handling is done now stopping the user from doing it.
UI is now made better in the “LOOKUP WIZARD”.
When a user doesn’t have access to a lookup record but has access to the actual record, initially the user cannot view the inaccessible record, but now that particular record is made available.
August 15, 2022
Sorting Transition buttons in stateflow is now moved to the server.
Pagination has been enabled in import history.
Support is provided to use the site logo while printing pdf in workorder summary.
Form Sections are now added in iOS.
Push notification is enabled for all apps in android.
Account api revamped in iOS which facilitates loading of data as and when needed.
Bug fixes
Form in portal will now redirect to summary once saved.
In list view advanced search, selecting a dropdown value issue is fixed.
In form, the option to reset default value for file field is fixed now.
In condition manager, error while creating the named condition is fixed now.
Cancel/Create button crash before the form loads is now fixed.
App crashes due to static app context is now fixed in android.
August 8, 2022
Users can select a default app from the list of other apps, now it is supported in the backend.
Report tab is now enabled in inspection module.
Rich text editor field is now supported in the form builder.
NEW DATE OPERATORS are now created for easier usability, those date fitters are enabled in KPI form.
The performance of Visitor QR Generation is now improved, (ie)..,The time taken for the QR generation is now faster.
Bug fixes
In the Tenant Portal, invalid SSO Link redirection is now fixed.
Login in Vendor mobile App is now fixed.
In the Service Request module, Performance Improvements for email fetching in BCC and CC fields are now made faster.
August 1, 2022
In Service request, a new field named ‘Response due date’ is added.
BMS Alarms modules now have the option to add custom fields.
App level visitor types, visitor check-in forms & visitor invite forms have been supported for Visitor Kiosk app - Server.
In timeline view, 'Year' view for 52 weeks is now available.
Form section partitioning is now implemented in Android.
In the WorkQ app, push notification is supported.
Firebase analytics has been added in mobile apps.
In IOS, 401/403 errors have been handled.
Bug fixes
In reports, scheduling was not working. It has now been fixed.
July 25, 2022
A new feature named ‘Point data missing alarm’ is out for our use. Using this, skipping of data points during an interval in time series data can be identified.
Data loader application has been launched. Historical telemetry data can now be imported into facilio using it.
In IOT page, points can now be filtered with advanced filter.
Pagination has been enabled in the commissioning list page.
In the Assets and Portfolio summary, Faults and BMS alarm counts are now displayed.
Facilio’s time zone was set at org level. Now users can update it at the user level by choosing their time zone in ‘My Profile’.
In the Y axis of charts, the values were shown fully without formatting. Now the respected values can be converted to the metrics based on our needs. For example 5000 can be shown as 5k, 5000000 can be shown as 5M.
Bug fixes
In Tenant portal, while sending group invites to visitors the editor was freezing. It has been fixed now.
In the Work order module, the view manager was not displaying, and now has been fixed.
While creating a dependent work order, the site field was not automatically filled from the parent work order. This issue has been resolved.
Schedules for PPM based on start and end dates were not working properly and were scheduled an infinite number of times. Now it has been limited to ‘n’ schedules.
July 18, 2022
We can now configure templates for mails. Email template feature is now live for use.
In the inventory module, we can redirect from Item to its respective ItemType summary and Tool to its respective ToolType summary.
In Criteria builder, the Lookup filter limitation issue of the first 50 records has been fixed.
In attachments, while adding video files, html5 supported video formats can be playable in preview itself without downloading.
In form builder, ‘Set Filter’ is now supported for subform fields as well.
Frequency picker has been enhanced with additional frequencies in Scheduler.
While configuring announcements for tenants, default notifications can be added.
Workflow rule will now also be executed for delete action.
Push Notification support for web tab based apps has been provided.
While replying to Service Requests, in CC we could only add the mails of users. Now we can add any other new emails as well.
Attachment UI has been Revamped (iOS).
Bug fixes
Now assets of different asset categories can be Multi-grouped/Multi-selected.
In the WO Module, Assignment rule type Context Cast Exception (due to V3 workorder movement) is fixed.
Now Inventory items can be returned, even if all the Items are “Issued” and the Balance is “0”.
In V3 WorkOrder Creation, Auto Due-Date filing has been disabled.
July 11, 2022
In Custom Apps and portals, “FDD Alarm” support is given.
Getting “Connector Expiry Time” in script is Supported.
A new feature of adding “Signature” for Users which can be used for Service Request Emails.
Bug fixes
Now assets of different asset categories can be Multi-grouped/Multi-selected.
In the WO Module, Assignment rule type Context Cast Exception (due to V3 workorder movement) is fixed.
Now Inventory items can be returned, even if all the Items are “Issued” and the Balance is “0”.
In V3 WorkOrder Creation, Auto Due-Date filing has been disabled.
July 4, 2022
In sla policies, adding escalations is now made simpler by executing scripts and changing status actions.
If you are a residing tenant, then your unit cannot be deleted.
In the Purchase Request and Purchase Order Module, the status field has been removed.
During the creation of PR to RFQ, RFQ will be created even if the storeroom is empty.
Now, you can easily choose your audience of your choice, from the cluster of your own Audiences checklist.
In Announcements Summary, user statistics like Recipients list and Viewers list has been added.
Whenever a workflow is executed, notifications will be sent to the client regarding the same.
Email template draft is being now supported.
You can now attach a link in your work order form, to make connecting easier.
Search feature in the Team/Staff list is now included in the mobile app.
Bug fixes
Loading of Screens and Remote Screens modules present in the dashboard manager has been fixed.
Site Lookup Wizard Pagination problem has been fixed.
ItemType and ToolType form page when reloaded, initially it was redirected to the List Page now it is fixed.
Transfer Request module when reloaded, initially it was redirected to the ConnectedApps and not to the TransferRequest module, now it is fixed to the desired outcome.
New teams can now be created by fetching the list of existing teams.
Even though an Email address has a trailing or a blank space in between, access is given for the corresponding vendor/tenant contacts, hence fixed.
Filter option bug fixed: “assigned by” filter initially did not show, but now it is fixed.
June 27, 2022
RFQ Module:
All User actions will be logged and can be viewed in History tab of RFQ module.
Storeroom field has been made optional as RFQ can be created for Services and not just procurement and an RFQ can facilitate multiple Purchase Orders across storerooms.
Lineitem types are restricted to Items & Tools, Services will be added as part of next enhancement.
Default stateflow has been built for RFQ.
Faults module: Users can add custom fields to the form
IoT App:
Cloud agent will have enable/disable option.
Points mapped to a reading can be removed and updated. User first need to remove the mapped reading, then publish the record and update another point with the reading.
Additional views - Draft, Published views have been created for commissioning tab of Points module.
List page of Points will display the Last Recorded Value & Last Recorded Time will be displayed.
In Commissioning tab under Points, mapped Assets, Asset Categories, Readings, Units will be displayed.
Reading section in Asset module, commands can be set for “null” value.
In form builder, the Site field will now facilitate search autocompletion & form rules.
In Inspection module, a new question type - Matrix is supported.
Scoping in View Manager enabling only the created user to see a “View” created in View Manager.
Audit logs are supported for Views & groups.
When the user reloads the Android app, all the data was deleted and reloaded except for site data. Currently the site data will also be deleted and reloaded.
Revamped UI for lookup forms in iOS.
In both Android & iOS apps, Notifications will be displayed and listed.
In Android, Team/ Staff field is enhanced with search, filter and has ability where the staff will be filtered based on team.
Bug fixes
Inventory module: Users facing issues while adjusting inventory balance are fixed.
RFQ Module: Fixed issue related to message display when award vendor option threw error when none of the vendors had given a counter price.
Inspection module: when a site was deleted from portfolio, Inspection module had issues by displaying the site, it has been fixed.
Issue in list view filter of Visit & Invite has been fixed, the filters will no more get auto-cleared.
In both Android & iOS apps, the Asset card in workorder will now display the complete space hierarchy as in the web application.
June 20, 2022
Option to clone and move dashboards across apps is supported now.
KPI tab is now compatible with the web tab.
URL field is now supported for the work order module.
In both the Purchase order and Purchase request module, history of Purchase orders and Purchase requests can be viewed now.
Related records released in the WorkQ app (iOS).
Bug fixes
Special module handling in advanced filter API has been fixed now.
The system file fields data, which was deleted when a record was edited, is now fixed.
Previously, in the custom module, the deletion of form was not working, which is fixed now.
While editing quotes in the vendor portal, line items did not load, which is now fixed.
The PM list which was not visible to users who were associated with more than 1 accessible space is fixed now.
In Work order, addition of tasks under the required section was not possible which is fixed now.
When exporting filtered purchase orders, the filtered option did reflect which is fixed now.
When deleting the tenant and vendor contact, revoking of user portal access is fixed now.
Error when creating inventory requests is fixed now.
In the analytics report, issue in weekly chart, if the week for a particular country starts on Monday is fixed now.
In Visitor Kiosk, checkout using QR code for non-invited (direct users) is fixed now.
Dashboards that previously did not reflect in iOS apps are now fixed.
Crash due to increased table count is rectified in all apps.
The PM task reading input in the vendor app showed incorrect values which are fixed now.
June 13, 2022
Transfer request summary now displays “Description” column in the transferred items/tools summary page.
“Published” tag has been added to the terms & conditions summary which indicates that no further changes can be made once published.
In the service request module, new event types such as Admin reply, Admin note, Customer reply and Customer note are added for service requests.
Import History page has been supported with pagination.
Audit logs have been added for stateflow, states and approval process.
Multi-Resource handling for inspection and induction templates has been fixed.
Bug fixes
In the vendor portal, asset hierarchy was not shown in the workorder asset card which is now fixed.
In the inventory module, auto reload of storeroom summary when a new item/tool is stocked is now fixed.
Terms and conditions cannot be edited once it has been published.
Scoped fields can now be used in filters that were previously restricted.
Error during the creation of Service module record is now fixed.
Client summary page has been paginated.
Form configuration for space-asset chooser to select only space or asset list has been fixed.
In workorder module, “Null Pointer Exception” crash in Module state property has been fixed in android.
Lookup special type search in forms is supported.
June 6, 2022
Audit logs support is extended for “Execute now” operation in PM.
In Dashboards, clone action is now supported.
In reports, frequency for scheduling the reports has been enhanced.
Time zone support which was provided at organization level, is now extended to support site level as well.
While using the filter option in mobile application, issue with the field “Module State” is now fixed.
Bug fixes
In module summary page, when sysCreatedTime field is null it was showing the current time as sysCreatedTime which is now fixed.
When associating clients to sites, the pop up showing the list of sites was not loading which is now fixed.
While attaching service request link in email, earlier it was redirecting to Facilio main app by default which is now configured to redirect to the main app or portal based on the user.
In visitor invites, the state was not updating to reflect Checked-in from Upcoming state. This is now fixed.
In visitors module, users were unable to add/delete notes and attachments which are now fixed.
May 30, 2022
Audit logs support is extended for create, update, delete and deactivate actions in PM.
Asset and Space category scoping is applied to the tasks of site level PM.
In Email Settings, recipient fields can be captured and mapped to module fields when there is multiple forward address.
Floor Map now supports User permissions - create, read, edit, delete and Special permissions – make assignments, make bookings, view assignments, view bookings.
New chart type Gauge is now supported in Reports and Dashboards.
Reports are now enabled for the Tenant contact module.
Support role permissions for tenant & vendor contact modules. Role permissions for these tenant & vendor contact will be similar to main application role permissions
Portal users with export permission can export workorders as csv or excel
Provision to create and import Planned Maintenance schedules at site level
Support Audit logs for Planned Maintenance schedule creation, updation, deletion & deactivation
Enhanced scoping for tasks in Planned Maintenance schedule enabling users to add asset level / space category scoping for individual tasks
Added sorting capability for space summary page in portfolio enabling users to sort based on multiple attributes
Storeroom summary has been enhanced with search, pagination and column customization for Items & Tools which are part of the Storeroom
Enhanced Inventory Management - Tools
Tool stocking feature has been enabled in tools module, tool types module, storeroom module to add the quantity of tools
Edit option for each tool to update basic details of the tool
In dashboard if the user sets a datetime field (eg: created time, modified time) as a filter, then user will have an option to have a slider/ selection box to choose the hour of the day, day of the week & day of the month as a filter
Reports & Dashboards supports new chart type - Gauge
Tenant contacts can now create reports
Developer Space feature for creating/ managing users for whom OAuth2/ API secret keys that can be utilised for integration with external systems
Email Settings feature now has the ability to capture the recipient of the email and map it to a field in Facilio when there are multiple forward addresses. This field will capture the address from which mail was forwarded.
Floor Map now supports generic user permissions - create, read, edit, delete & Special permissions – make assignments, make bookings, view assignments, view bookings.
Uploaded files will be displayed in the module’s summary page of both Andriod & iOS
iOS apps support OCR feature as part of the Delivery module
Bug fixes
While creating an audience, users had issues in fetching roles due to module permissions which are now fixed. Users can now apply role filters while creating an audience seamlessly.
In Work orders module, the due date field was auto populating as created time which is now fixed.
Only active users leveraging Facilio applications can reset passwords. Users who are yet to accept the invitation, will not have access to do this.
In Inspection summary page, only relevant fields will be displayed based on the inspection configuration.
When downloading reports as Excel/CSV from the dashboard, the filters selected not being applied during export are fixed.
Bulk actions not being hidden on pagination is now fixed.
In Dashboards, reports not being listed in the set of card actions is fixed.
Android mobile application getting crashed while using custom buttons fixed.
In work order module task section, issue in updating reading time is fixed.
State flow button names in mobile applications will now reflect the name in web applications for consistency.
May 23, 2022
Role permissions are now supported in the tenant and vendor contacts modules.
The module for the Space category has been moved to a newer framework.
Planned Maintenance can now be created and imported at the site level.
Support for icons has been extended to web tabs.
Grouping by criteria on a timeline view is supported.
The issues with checkout in the Visitor kiosk API have been resolved.
Bug fixes
The issue with the not being able to import data if the excel column names contain special characters has been resolved.
The issue with the multi-select site filter not working for time-series reports from the dashboard has been resolved.
The issue with the attendee's name not being properly displayed on the inspection and summary page has been resolved.
Minor tweaks and fixes in the Timeline view, such as the unscheduled filter, pagenation for the last page, and time drag action during the schedule, among other things.
The edit/delete button that appeared in the inspection list when the user did not have permission to do so has been resolved.
The PO Id is used instead of local id on the purchase order's listing and summary pages.
A problem with loading the PM summary page due to a custom picklist field has been resolved.
The issues with checkout in the Visitor kiosk API have been resolved.
May 16, 2022
A sorting option has been added to the Spaces summary page in Portfolio.
The employee module now has role permissions.
Search, Pagination, and Column customisations for the Items and Tools lists have been added to the Storeroom summary page.
User-defined namespaces and functions are cached in scripts to improve performance and speed.
The create record action is now available as part of workflow activities.
The system button feature enabled on server side.
Files uploaded will now be visible in the summary page on both IOS and Android app.
Bug fixes
Module KPI & Reports issue fixed: Multi-select lookup field criteria not working
When making a manual guest checkin or visitor invite, the tenant information not getting stored is fixed.
The URL field's default value was not pre-filled, which was rectified.
When a field is added to a parent module, the module name is appended to the field name to avoid duplicate field names.
When creating "custom views " for work orders, users can can include a description .
The number of buildings associated with the PM was not reflected on the PM summary page. It has been fixed, and now the number of buildings for PM will be displayed.
Inventory module role permissions did not provide self-permission in read operations. This has now been resolved.
The issue with using a passcode to check out has been resolved for visitors checking in directly using KIOSK.
The Kiosk iPad OS app no longer disconnects after an iPad restart.
The crashing of the Android app while accessing Dashboards has been resolved.
May 9, 2022
Portal users can export workorders as csv or excel, if the user has export permission.
In Portfolio module, when a user views the spaces within site/building, the user will be able to sort the spaces using the standard sort feature.
Updates in Inventory Management:
Tool stocking feature has been enabled in tools module, tool types module, storeroom module to add the quantity of tools.
Edit option for each tool to update basic details of the tool.
iOS apps support OCR feature as part of the Delivery module.
In dashboard if the user sets a datetime field (eg: created time, modified time) as a filter, then user will have an option to have a slider/ selection box to choose the hour of the day, day of the week & day of the month as a filter.
Workflows & Notifications list view supports pagination.
When a user wants to leverage ‘group invite’, if there are multiline fields as part of the invite, the values entered as part of those fields were not getting saved, this issue has been resolved.
When user creates emails using the Email Settings, if there is an error while creation, the user will view actual error message instead of a generic error message.
Support for AUD as a unit for a currency field.
“Developer Space” feature for creating/ managing users for whom OAuth2/ API secret keys that can be utilised for integration with external systems.
Bug fixes
In PPM module list view page, when a single site PPMs were created, they didn't display the association with that site in the list view, the issue has been resolved.
When a vendor contact/ tenant contact was deleted, the user was able to access the portal. This defect has been resolved with removal of portal access for the deleted user.
A rotating tool which has an associated asset, when utilized in Workorder (in Item & Tools) the current balance was not getting updated in the Tools module. The defect has been fixed and the current balance will be updated automatically.
When an announcement was read by a user using an iOS app, the announcement was still shown as unread. This defect has been resolved.
When a user uploads an image by taking a picture using their camera in Android device, the orientation of the image was getting updated automatically post upload, this issue has been resolved, User will now view the image the same way it has been taken.
Approval module currently has a ‘resend’ functionality in which if the approver rejects, a user can resend the information for approval by revising the item. Resend functionality has been updated with two capabilities.
Admin can define the fields that user can update while selecting ‘resend’.
Admin can also choose actions post ‘resend’. Actions can be status update, field update, email, script execution and mobile notification.
In the Visitor module settings, while managing the notifications, ‘Notify host’ email option was not working. This defect has been resolved.
When the user sets the time and date formats in “Company Profile”, all the time and date will be displayed accordingly. Previously if the organization wide time had been set as ‘12hour’, it was not getting reflected in all forms, it has been resolved.
Occupants who have invited visitors can delete the invitation for the upcoming invites.
When a user clicks ‘download’ attachments, the attachment got downloaded multiple times for a single click. This defect has been resolved.
In ‘User’ settings, users were not able to delete the accessible spaces associated with them. Issue has been resolved.
When a visitors checks-in without an invite, a QR code gets generated which can be utilised by the visitor during checkout. QR code was not getting generated and the issue has been resolved.
Users will have an option to hide timeline filter for dashboard widgets.
While printing a workorder, user will have an additional option to print ‘history’ of the workorder.
When user creates emails for service request creation, the record didnt save all information provided by the user, it has been resolved.
Users will view an error message when they are trying to create a field with same field name.
April 25, 2022
‘Created time’, ‘created by’, ‘modified time’ & ‘modified by’ fields are added in People modules (tenant contact, vendor contact, employee). This will allow users to know who & when a record was created/ modified.
When the user tries to delete a space (site, building, space), the user will be prompted to delete all its associated asset/ accessible space/ PPM, only post deleting all associated records, the space can be deleted.
When the user tries to delete an asset, the user will be prompted to delete all its associated PPMs showing the count of PPMs, only post deleting all associated records, the asset can be deleted.
Workq app for Android supports drilldown feature in dashboard.
Andriod apps will hide states & stateflow buttons for the module that has disabled stateflow.
iOS app will display all the file fields in the summary page of a record.
iOS app displays the description of items & tools along with the Item/ tool name when a user wants to add the item/tool to a workorder using the item/tool picker.
Password security policy has been enhanced to the portal users. It was previously available only for main app users.
Bug fixes
When a field in PPM is preset with a boolean value, that value was not getting displayed. It has been fixed, now the user will view the value while editing the PPM
Booking summary page will hide all cost related information for facilities that are not-being charged for the usage.
For custom module based dashboard elements, when the user selects ‘Edit Reports’, the user was not getting redirected to the reports of the custom module, this issue has been fixed.
For multiselect fields, the user was not able to drilldown the reports, it has been fixed.
Legends for the Report were not getting displayed at the correct position when asset filter was applied in the dashboard, this issue has been fixed.
Users were not able to ‘Checkout’ using the Visitor Kiosk app, the issue has been fixed.
April 18, 2022
All new Orgs will leverage the new Preventive Maintenance schedules where user can create PM schedules for multiple sites (Multi site PM).
Multi site PM schedules will be visible to users who have access to all the sites listed in the PM schedule. If a User has access to one or more but not all sites, then that user will not be able to view the PM schedule.
Revamp of Item module in Inventory:
User will be able to leverage “Edit” button to update basic details of the Item in Item Module.
“Stock Item” option has been provided in Items, Item types & Storeroom module for users to quickly add/stock items to a storeroom.
Bug fixes
When the user is booking from the floor plan, the booking dialog box was not closing post booking. This defect has been fixed, user can now book and the dialog box closes automatically.
Asset reading based reports couldn't utilise default filters from the dashboard. This has been fixed.
KPI module was displaying wrong units for each metric, User will now view the correct unit for each metric based on the user definition.
Dashboard cards will now animate light, fan icons based on the user defined boolean values.
Occupant Portal user was not able to view the details of a service request created by the user. The details were getting displayed only for the main app users, now even the portal users are able to view it.
In Preventive maintenance module, when the user was trying to filter based on PM ID, the filter tag was not available, it has been added as a filter to the user.
User can now create workorder leveraging “+” icon next to notifications bell icon in the header.
April 11, 2022
Description field in community module has been updated to handle longer description entered by the user.
Users can view the details of the tenant address as part of the tenant summary in a separate address card.
When a user wants to add inventory items & tools for a workorder, the user will be able to view the description along with the item name in the Item picker.
Bug fixes
While managing inventory, the user will now be able to manually adjust items (addition or removal of item quantity) individually or bulk adjust for multiple items within a storeroom.
User will be able to redirect from a child (dependant) workorder to parent workorder.
“Created time” field in workorder will now display the same time in both main application and workq mobile application.
April 4, 2022
Floor Plan Customization: Users will be able to add more value to the floor plan by enriching it with labelling elements in floor plan, managing the font size of the label and even differentiating the elements by color coding.
Admins will have better UX for assigning Accessible Space to each user as part of User configuration settings.
Announcement module supports new text formatting options as part of the rich text editor feature.
Reports module supports multi select fields. For eg: If a workorder is assigned to multiple technicians, report for each technician will display the workorder associated with that technician.
Android app supports confirmation dialog boxes defined in Stateflows.
Android app Users will view 403 error message for unauthorized access.
If the User knows the ID of a PPM, the user can search for a particular PPM using that unique ID.
If the user is trying to perform an action for the record under a state that is locked (defined in Stateflow), then the user will view specific error messages.
Bug fixes
While adding attachments to the attachment fields in a Custom module form, when the user uploaded the attachment and then deleted it before submitting the form, the user wasn't able to reupload the attachment. This defect has been fixed.
March 28, 2022
Main app users will now have an option to request notifier in the comments sections for all the workorders created by Portal Users.
Transfer request feature for transferring inventory items/tools from one storeroom to another will now be available as a role based permissioned feature (Roles Module) where permission for each role can be provided for create, read, update and delete actions.
When a User wants to add tools to the workorder, the user will now have an option to view a widget for viewing all the tools along with its details.
Introduction of role filter for audience of buildings & tenant units a role filter is introduce for audience with types - shared to building/tenant unit.
When a site/building is deleted, all the associated space/floor will be deleted.
When user chooses to export data, the exported file will display all the multiple (multi-lookup) entries.
Service Request will now enable users to view all the notes and information through a separate “Notes & Information” tab.
Bug fixes
In storeroom modules, users will be able to update the sites that a storeroom serves.
Now Users will not be able to add duplicate field name.
March 21, 2022
iOS supports duration field and Custom button action - “Open form” using the form id.
iOS app displays the full name of the field in multiple lines for field names that are long.
For multi-lookup fields, iOS app now displays a default value set during form rule definition.
Advanced filters and criteria builder is added with date operating criteria feature. Now the user can choose to provide values based on hour of the day, day of the week, day of the month, week of year & month of year as a criteria or filter.
Supports ‘feet per minute’ unit for speed based readings.
The site at which the storeroom is located is automatically considered as a site that is served by the storeroom.
Location field in Storeroom is now mapped to the site at which storeroom is located.
For a tenant unit, if there is just one contact, then that contact will be considered as a primary contact, the primary contact cannot be deleted manually. If the tenant unit has multiple contacts and if the primary contact has been deleted then one of the secondary contacts will be updated as primary contacts.
Bug fixes
“Email this report” feature in dashboard will mail the report to respective mail id.
While displaying the cards in dashboards, the user will now be able to view the list based on the card, when the filter for showcasing the dashboard is “logged-in user”.
User will now be able to add notes & attachments in receivables module without glitches.
User will not view any error anymore while adding first item or tool to the storeroom.
Users need not provide Storeroom while creating a Purchase Request.
March 14, 2022
Users can now leverage live translations in workorder summary page to their preferred languages. This live translation is powered by google translate.
Improved UI update for Tenant unit module.
In Storeroom module summary & list page, user can view all sites that a storeroom serves.
Android & iOS app supports Custom buttons.
Rules can now be defined on the responses given in Inspection and Induction modules.
Android app supports form rules for a lookup field where multiple values can be selected (multi select lookup field).
Android app displays the description of item along with the item name in the item picker of workorder.
Form rules can now be configured for Subforms in templates.
Bug fixes
User will now be able to click the required Item Type in a particular storeroom and view the details of the Item type without glitches.
While adding items required for workorder, users will be able to view all the rotating items in the “Add Items” section in workorder (item picker in workorder).
User will be able to “Add Tools” in android app.
Dashboards can be enabled and disabled seamlessly.
March 7, 2022
Storeroom module supports addition of Custom fields to its template.
In Workorder module’s Items & Tools section, while a user is trying to “Add Items”, there have been multiple updates.
Display screen will now show the description along with the name of the item where search can be through both item name and description.
Items will be displayed in pages.
Items without any quantity will also be displayed but cannot be utilized in the workorder.
Tenant contacts list and summary page has been updated to display all its fields.
Improved UX for Portal app summary pages.
Form rules can be defined for Preventive Maintenance template.
In Android mobile app, workorder task/item can now be viewed without the app getting crash.
In Android mobile app, the site field will show a blank value, when a particular site had been made default but deleted later.
Timeline filter can now be added for Baseline card in dashboard.
When the password is reset from the mobile app, a success/ error message will be displayed.
Role permission definition for Inventory has been fixed. Now users of a role will have Inventory module access permission based on the definition.
Service Request module will now work without the dependency on “payment type” field.
Inventory list for all items will be displayed without throwing an error even if an Item has cost type as “LIFO”.
When an “audience” was created by a user in main app, and that user got deleted in the app, now the name of the user who created that “audience” will be displayed instead of blank value.
February 28, 2022
Timeline - It helps users to craft maintenance job plans with duration for each technician. It also aids the user to identify any timing conflicts and make adjustments as work progresses.
Enhancements in the Audience module along with the additional capability for filtering of records.
Revamped UI for the summary page of Items in the Inventory module.
IOS mobile app now supports Induction module.
Android mobile app now supports Duration field in Template/Form and Summary page.
IOS mobile app will now display confirmation dialog boxes (configured in stateflows).
“Open form” and “Open Summary” features added to Custom Button actions.
Bug fixes
Add attachments(documents, pictures, etc) as part of each Items & Tools in the Inventory module.
Display of Audience groups in the list page of Community module's Announcements, Deals & Offers, Neighbourhood, News & Information features.
When the description of a work order is large, the description widget size will increase dynamically in workorder summary page.
In workorder module, while adding images to the tasks, the images will now be mapped to both “Before” and “After” section as per the user’s discretion.
Calculation of duration of the Visitor will now be based on check-in and check-out time.
Axis label placement and color contrast issues in Dashboard has been fixed.
Inspection can now be conducted for “current asset” as scope category.
Few UI issues in iOS mobile app has been fixed.
In the Android mobile app, updated data will be displayed post refreshing the list pages.
February 21, 2022
Facilitates configuration of form rules in Visitor Kiosk application.
Supports Stateflows for Inspection and Induction modules in android devices.
Ability to view all the inventory items using a lookup wizard in Purchase Order, Purchase Request, Quote, Inventory Request, Transfer Request forms.
Supports manual configuration of User permission to access Inventory.
Supports addition of user-definable fields (custom fields) in Inventory Category module template.
Facilitates display of all the user-definable fields (custom fields) in Preventive Maintenance Summary page.
Configuration to define the scope (access to platform features) for Users has been developed.
While creating a field in all templates, the link name (unique field name accessed by API & scripts) will also be displayed.
Bug fixes
In the Asset module, for a particular asset, all the associated work orders can be viewed for iPhones.
Seamlessly add attachments(documents, pictures, etc) in android phones.
Preventive Maintenance template handles lookup fields (lookup fields are fields that map other modules to the current module).
Post deleting an attachment in work orders, the system now accepts reuploading of attachments without throwing an error.
In Asset module, while exporting the asset data (to excel, csv, etc), columns were getting duplicated, it has been resolved.
Reports for workorder will support Space module's fields as a dimension.
Fixes in UI of listview page of alarms in alarms module.
February 14, 2022
Auto update of Unit Price in LINE ITEM subform in Purchase Order, Purchase Request modules based on the Last Purchased Price instead of Selling Price (Selling Price should be considered as Unit Price only for Quotation module).
Revamped UI of Tenant Module's List & Summary page.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) feature enabled in Android app.
Now Pagination is supported for Workflow rule and Notifications.
Agent trigger rule supported in IoT app.
Bug fixes
Issue in addition of multiple labourers in In Work Order module under “Items & Labour” section and Add Labour subsection - fixed.
Multiple issues in Work Order tasks such as multiline text (iOS mobile app) - fixed.
Unable to deselect the value which added in a lookup field (mobile app) - fixed.
In mobile app, once a filters or sort criteria is added, it needs to cleared to provide a new criteria - Fixed. Now without clearing, the sort and filter can be edited.
Issue in Multi-language translation of status in summary page - fixed.
February 7, 2022
Induction module released in Android WorkQ app.
Change status action added in workflows, custom buttons, stateflows, and approval process.
Supported large text field for long description in "Terms and conditions" module.
More detailed history/ activities captured for Service Request.
Supported transform hooks for agent via script.
Mobile lookup filter UI enhanced.
Site Switch feature supported in iOS WorkQ app.
Signature field enabled for custom modules.
Bug fixes
In Analytics -> Add Points, Points / Assets list keep loading if there are no assets - fixed.
Dashboard filters not applied when downloading as PDF - fixed.
Floorplan search not working when having many desks/spaces in the floorplan - fixed.
Duration field UI glitches in form - fixed.
Wrong work order comments count in list page - fixed.
Unable to delete Inspection attachments - fixed.
Fixed offline issues in tasks and stateflow.
January 31, 2022
Site Switch enabled in Android WorkQ app.
Email notification templates supported placeholders for URL attachments.
Nice URL & view folder supported for all views in Portfolio.
Enabled advanced filter for Sites & Building module.
PM - Task templates will list only active asset categories.
Added validation while deleting a role with any user associated with it.
Added new tab in quote summary which will list all non-primary fields.
Supported "Tax component display toggle" in form builder for PR, PO, Quote line-items section.
Bug fixes
Workorder resolve button in mobile does not validate task completion while offline - fixed.
Documents not filtered based on scope in the iOS mobile app - fixed.
Not able to add new scheduled reports - fixed.
January 24, 2022
Allow create option provided for lookup fields in the form.
PM Resource Planner search optimized.
Prefill last purchased price in PO/PR form line items.
Added uploaded time for before and after images in the task.
In PO/PR/Quote line items, introduced an option to hide the tax components in the form.
Autofill description of item type/ tool type in PO/PR/Quote line item form.
Pagination supported for tenant portal users list.
Bug fixes
Android mobile app crashing while drill down to work order list from the dashboard - fixed.
Unable to add custom fields to tool type module - fixed.
Creating audience with role not working - fixed.
Schedule report was not working - fixed.
Hidden file fields not shown in the summary page issue - fixed.
January 17, 2022
Inspection module released in iOS apps.
Time log tab introduced in workorder summary.
Product banner added on top for delegated user.
Account level time format settings introduced.
Item type & Tool type summary UI enhanced.
Bug fixes
Site type & managed by not displayed properly in sites list issue - fixed.
The form used for creation not getting opened during the edit of Inspection - fixed.
January 10, 2022
Multi-controller discovery is now supported in the commissioning page.
Transform script support for Agent types other than Facilio & Niagara.
Approvals tab now supported for web portals.
Created by field enabled in work order summary page.
Profile page released in iOS apps.
Now delegated user get notified while creating delegation.
Bug fixes
Date and time format was not saving in company profile - fixed.
Vendor lookup not displaying all records PM form - fixed.
New fields not showing up during import because of cache - fixed.
Scroll not smooth in workorder summary item tab - fixed.
January 3, 2022
Inspection module released in android WorkQ app.
New field type “URL” supported in form builder.
Added invitation link expiry time in the invitation email.
Proper error message added in reset password page.
Summary page added for contact directory and admin documents modules.
Changed primary field as a hyperlink in list view for ease of use.
Removed large multiline text field from view column customization.
Bug fixes
Filter not working for String fields if the search term has “-” - fixed.
Multi Receivables were getting created when PO is updated or receipt is added - fixed.
December 27, 2021
Now user has the ability to delegate views, approvals, dashboards, and all email notifications to another user.
Profile page added in WorkQ android app.
Reading report templates is now supported for dashboard filters.
Bug fixes
Items and tools count was not refreshed in summary when new item/tool types are added - fixed.
Edit storeroom from list redirection not working - fixed.
Updating line items not reflecting in transfer request - fixed.
Multi lookup fields not rendering in work order summary page - fixed.
Lookup field hyperlink redirection was not working in custom module summary page - fixed.
December 20, 2021
Added stacking analytics in workplace management.
Security update - Log4j updated to 2.15.0.
Publish & Revision support added in terms & conditions.
Data scoping support added in user delegation functionality.
Option to map custom script for dashboard cards.
Custom buttons is now supported for assets and purchase orders list view.
Star rating question type added in inspection.
New currency codes (SAR, OMR) added to company settings.
Bug fixes
Inventory request quick create form was not working - fixed.
Terms & conditions module filter was not working - fixed.
Custom fields display issue in inspection summary - fixed.
Tenant, vendor portal custom logo resolution fixed.
December 13, 2021
Now announcements can be cloned to create new announcements.
Introduced permissions for Terms and Conditions module.
Enabled estimated end, scheduled start fields in form builder.
Now admin can delegate data scoping, dashboards & views to another user.
Bug fixes
Invite link in email not handled for custom domain - fixed.
Forgot password email breakage - fixed.
Unable to answer MCQs in Inspection in AU region - fixed.
Client contact summary page: List overview redirection issue is fixed.
Service catalog image get deleted while edit - fixed.
December 6, 2021
Audience functionality supported in Announcements & News Modules.
Form rule supported in custom button and approvals forms.
State transition flow execution time optimized.
View folder now supported in iOS WorkQ & Portal apps.
Option to export data points in IoT app.
Disabling user invite mail for SSO enabled accounts.
Bug fixes
Issue in Service catalog sharing - fixed.
Item type category shows ID instead of name - fixed.
Item type selling price defaults to "-1" while editing the record.
November 29, 2021
Store to store transfer requests & shipment modules released.
View folder now supported Android WorkQ and Portal apps.
Added "Tasks Completed Count” column in workorder export.
History supported for inventory requests module.
Now user list can be filtered by name & email.
Bug fixes
Signature field not working in some android mobiles - fixed.
Permission issue in scanning asset for some android mobiles - fixed.
PM - Resource planning summary not rendering - fixed.
November 22, 2021
Markdown texts supported for comments.
Users who are taking leave can delegate approvals and tasks to another user.
User management UI enhancements.
Inventory items list view UI enhancements in storeroom summary page.
Radio button display type supported for boolean type fields.
FormBuilder integrated with custom button and approval actions.
Workflows supported for attachments.
Bug fixes
Image upload not working in inspection question description - fixed.
Sorting field issue in dashboard reading table - fixed.
Login page crash in specific android device - fixed.
November 15, 2021
PM - End date configuration for trigger is supported now.
Import history UI enhancements.
Performance optimisation for assets and workorder listing.
Inspection/ Induction template history not loading - fixed.
November 8, 2021
WorkQ app released
Comment deletion captured in work order history
Custom button supported for list view
November 1, 2021
Account invitation expiry duration extended to 7 days.
Bug fixes
Unable to create new dependent WO from related records tab - Fixed.
Current site field display format is not proper in vendor portal summary - Fixed.
Approval lock state UI fixes in custom module record summary page.
Site not pre-filling while creating the dependent workorder - Fixed.
October 25, 2021
Support to add workflows for storeroom creation and updation.
Filters/sort feature for all module list views.
Highlighting error messages in form (Android).
Support to create workorders while doing state transition.
Support to entry zipcode in address field.
Option to set particular time in notification date field triggers.
Related records listed in WO summary page.
Multiple buildings and site support for triggers in inspection module.
Error page added for 403 code.
Bug fixes
Workorder to quote and vice versa redirection issue - Fixed.
Distorted org logo in workorder printouts - Fixed.
Styling and table alignment issue fixed in inventory summary.
Disabled record updation in custom-module while the record is under approval process.
Approval view was not loading - Fixed.
Pagination issue in lookup wizard dialogs - Fixed.
October 18, 2021
Asset module introduced in vendor portal.
Service Request conversion support in tenant/occupant portal
Handled Transaction initiated by details for all item/tool transaction records.
Handled Workflow support for storeroom creation/updation.
Avoiding duplicate email in From Address (Email Setting).
Bug fixes
Unit conversion. Loss of precision for certain Metrics - Fixed.
WO created from SR was not showing up in related list - Fixed.
System created by/ time was getting set as null on update - Fixed.
Throwing error to make sure an user email is present only in one region - Fixed.
Few Issues related form rules in portal mobile apps - Fixed.
October 11, 2021
Ability to edit pre-defined asset categories.
UI enhanced in stateflow transition field configuration.
Bug fixes
Error while adding file attachment with .msg, .docx extensions - Fixed.
Logout button hidden in safari browser - Fixed.
Issue in chart tooltip if multiple datapoint had same colour - Fixed
October 4, 2021
Now service request can be related with other modules using lookup field.
Ability to create approval process for Assets.
Bug fixes
Attachments was not rendering in work order summary page - Fixed.
Broken link from workorder to asset summary page in vendor portal - Fixed.
Unable to drag & drop status and transitions in state flow builder - Fixed
September 27, 2021
EMail Notifications enhanced to include file attachment.
News enabled with ability to comment.
Permissions to show/hide the button to convert service requests to workorder.
Bug fixes
Issue in editing contract's Terms and Condition summary page fixed.
Issue in filter option at Asset list fixed.
September 20, 2021
Inventory Adjustment - Item adjustment for non-rotating items.
Customization support enabled for Inspection and Induction modules.
Ability to display Asset activities in vendor portals.
Ability to create Custom Buttons for buildings.
Service Request card and count displayed in home page of Tenant Portal.
September 13, 2021
Sort option available for views in Tenant and Vendor portals.
Advanced search based on multi-select fields.
Ability to attach file for Q.&.A section of Inspection module.
Bug fixes
Issue in stateflow builder’s User/Criteria dialog fixed.
Issue in form rules for resource fields fixed.
September 6, 2021
Advanced Search option is provided for Portal Apps (Occupant , Tenant and Vendor Portal).
Analytics - Ability to plot custom baseline curves in scatter analytics.
Introduced new field type "floor plan picker".
Handled fetch-view in custom module creation.
Added cloud service type in agent.
Form rules and Stateflow screens revamped.
Bug fixes
Storeroom- Issue in displaying Item drop down is fixed.
August 30, 2021
Planned Maintenance- Users can see only their accessible site's workorders.
Connected Apps added in the tab group for portal app users.
Admin also will list in assignment in addition to site scoped users.
Work Order- list module state field changes.
Patch capturing activities for Sidebar.
Work Order- Uploaded file will display in summary page.
Handled failed case in attachment upload.
Bug fixes
Contract Module- Issue in rendering the list page and it is fixed now.
Quote- Issue in hard coded api call and it id fixed now.
Connected apps- Rendering issue in placeholder api call and it is fixed now.
Agent- Status issue, while discovering controllers for agent, and it is fifed now.
Uploaded attachment can be delete by any user, and it is fixed now.
August 23, 2021
E-Mail- Forward address and From address will use mail domain fetched from backend.
Dashboard filters change event supported for connected app widgets.
Added sub form check for the form section.
Prefilling site field in work order creation when redirecting from asset.
Some change in Display name of system field at Work order summary.
E-Mail- Added regional mail domains for schedulers.
Bug fixes
Pre-Filling issue in custom module and it is fixed now.
UI issue when form is opened through dialog and it is fixed now.
Issue in fetching only site related users to assign, in Planned maintenance and it is fixed now.
Issue in closing the task and it is fixed now.
August 16, 2021
Approval- Summary page is supported by custom modules.
Portfolio modules- Change in the details of widget.
Supported with Maximum number of character(validation) in live forms.
Added module summary fetch for site, building, floor and space edits.
Added encode url in custom buttons while opening a placeholder urls.
Place-Holder support for set value action(including lookup module fields).
Form Rule- Status added in column(UI support), Added module data id.
Handled language support in portal user(Tenant, Occupant, Vendor).
Bug fixes
E-Mail-Issue when from address is not specified, and it is fixed now.
Issue in redirection from approvals to custom modules summary and it is fixed now.
Asset- Loading issue in summary page and it is fixed now.
Custom Module- Issue in searching and it is fixed now.
August 9, 2021
CSV API added to hels in downloading the list of points in CSV format.
A new state added for mobile homepage at Occupant portal.
Handled view-sidebar and language preference for portal users.
Added Module State in supplement record at summary and list.
Change in Tenant contact addition in Tenant overview.
Patch capturing activities for v3(assets module).
Bug fixes
Refresh issue in booking and facility modules in portal apps and it is fixed now.
Dashboard tab switch select issue and it is fixed now.
E-Mail- From address resolution issue and it is fixed now.
E-Mail- Site Field fetching issue and it is fixed now.
Cards Lookup field updated to latest Version -Dashboard.
August 2, 2021
Ability to define the more than one languages for Tenant/vendor portal to support.
Ability to edit child records.
Update & Delete permission handeled in portals (Occupant Portal, Tenant Portal and Vendor Portal).
Tenent contact info added in Tenent summary page.
Search option added to the Module report fields selection list.
Additional validation added for facility booking form.
July 26, 2021
Main field hover UI enhancement in the list view
Option to filter fields of lookup field is now supported in the module filters
Search and pagination support added in the Portal users list page
Search and pagination support added in the Add Existing user list dialog
Desk type change handled in Floormap (Assignable to reservable desk and Reservable to assignable desk)
Added support for discovering points for RDM controllers
Null check added during the validation handling in add sensor rule
Bug fixes
User duplication issue is fixed while adding from existing user list
Drop down box was not appearing in Inventory -> Issue Item dialog and it is fixed now.
Look up wizard is not pre-populating the selected sites upon edit issue fixed
July 19, 2021
BACnet protocol is enabled by default in agent configuration
Form rule execution handled for custom module V3 apis
Bug fixes
Null handled in field placeholders construction for email notification templates
Add controller api fixes for RDM
Avatar url fix in resource context (assets, space, etc..)
Configuration issue in add agent is fixed
July 12, 2021
Work space management - Room / Space booking from Floor Plan
Inspection Module for Work orders
Scripting support in email Notifications module
Service request/ help centre ticket creation from email.
Roles and permissions is extended to Portal users
Roles and permissions is extended to Web tab users
State flows - support to provide actions based on a form field and support for portal users to perform specific actions
Bug fixes
Visitor Management - Visited Space display issue is fixed
Addition of a tool / item was failing in work order and it is fixed
An Inventory transaction was showing Undefined in the User interface , when a tool / item was assigned to a Portal user and this is fixed
Undesirable behaviour when adding more than one multi-lookup to the same module is Fixed
May 20, 2021
Service Request Management:- Service request management uniquely involves a user submitting their request for something that’s related to their properties or facilities in their occupied property.
Service Catalogue :- A service catalog , is an organized and curated collection of Facilities and Workplace related service requests.
February 15, 2021
Vendor Portal Support :- Portal provided for vendors to manage their WorkOrders and upload/track their insurance
SAML based SSO support provided
Receivables support improved for Inventory module
Layout changes for Fault Module
Bug fixes
Format changed for Quotes generated
December 10, 2020
Tenant Portal Support :- Self service portal for the tenants.
Enabled signature field for Purchase Request and Purchase Order module
‘‘Till now’’ operator supported in criteria builder
For Analytics, Derivation is supported for any number of points.
Bug fixes
Fixed file field handling for custom modules in transition form