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In-App Notifications

In-app notifications are the messages the user can view inside the application after they open it. These notifications are designed to share more context-sensitive and focused info with the users. In general, the in-app notifications help the users be informed of any updates or changes (for example, a work order created or an approval triggered) within the application. They highlight the most relevant info to the users based on the administrator settings and assist in prioritizing their activities while they are online. Ultimately, these notifications are more likely to engage the active users of the application better.

The WorkQ allows you to access the in-app notifications from the homepage.

You can use the searchIcon icon at the top right to view the list of notifications the application has triggered.

In the NOTIFICATIONS screen the read and unread notifications are differentiated as shown above. Upon clicking a notification you are redirected to the summary of the selected notification.

Note: You can view the notification summary only if the module concerning the selected notification is enabled on your application. The module-wise notifications triggered are controlled by the administrator.