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Asset Categories

Asset categorization is the systematic segregation of assets into groups, based on their nature or common characteristics. It is the fundamental step towards asset management. The asset categories are used to classify different assets used in the organization such as chairs, laptops, air conditioners, lights, and so on.

Managing assets becomes more complicated when an organization has lots of assets. This can be made easier by organizing the assets into relevant asset types which in turn can help the administrators to fetch the required details with ease. For instance, the air conditioners and lights can be grouped as 'Electronic Equipment'. Using this sectioning, all the electronic equipment can be filtered out to analyze the energy consumption of an organization.

Categorization plays a vital role in each phase of the assets life cycle, from installation until retirement or disposal. The appropriate classification of assets makes an FM's job easier at an operational level by not only providing quick access to required information, but also preventing issues from being overlooked in facilities and improving maintenance schedule practices.