Viewing Alarm Configurations
You can view the various attributes of the alarm configuration by clicking on the records in the Alarm Category, Alarm Type, Alarm Definition, Alarm Asset Mapping, Alarm Type Mapping, and Alarm Regex Matcher sections. The information displayed is grouped into Summary, Related, and History sections for better clarity.
The Summary section displays the basic configuration details, including the name, description, the user responsible for creation or modification, and the corresponding date and time.

You can also add Notes and attach relevant Documents to include additional information.
The Related section displays the list of records related to the alarm configuration across the modules.

The History section maintains a log of all activities related to the alarm configuration for future reference. The recorded information helps in understanding the sequence of actions or changes that the record has undergone.

The displayed details include the action taken place, the user who performed the action and the date and time of occurrence.