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Alarm Definition

Alarm Definition involves the process of normalizing the incoming alarms within the system. Alarms may vary in their message strings due to limitations in controller sources and various other reasons. For example, "Case hi-temp," "Case high temperature," and "Case hi-temperature" may all represent the same alarm condition. This discrepancy is addressed through alarm regex mapping, where these varied messages are mapped to a unified alarm definition, such as "Case High Temperature," to achieve normalization. This ensures that regardless of the source, alarms are interpreted and managed consistently, facilitating effective monitoring and response within the system.

To add an alarm definition,

  1. Navigate to the Alarm Definition section. The alarm definition screen appears.

  2. Click New Alarm Definition. The New Alarm Definition form appears as shown below.

  3. Update the following fields on the screen:

    • Name -The information to define the alarm
    • Client -The entity for which the alarm definition is being created
  4. Click Submit. The new alarm definition is now configured successfully.