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The Stateflow module of the application enables the usage of graphical language to create flow diagrams or state transition diagrams. These stateflow diagrams are used to represent the flow of a task or a schedule from one state to another, indicating the current status to the user.

This module allows you to configure individual states (or stages) of a workflow, thereby creating a new process for various scenarios and keeping them independent from the default workflow configured. It allows you to configure every aspect of a state (for example, defining the state type, enabling timer and so on) and customize the entire workflow to be applicable for certain users or teams, a particular building or a category of assets and so on.

Stateflows are majorly needed to introduce an execution process for any business requirement. Every stateflow has multiple states associated with it, which in turn are connected through transitions. A transition is an individual state of a workflow, upon executing which the respective action(s) configured are performed. The action can be executed either as part of a transition from one state to another or based on the activity status of a state. The end of the stateflow indicates the closure of the planned action. This section explains how the application allows you to manage the stateflows and its associated states, upon configuring the required conditions and validations, and respective properties and actions.