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Updating Time Sheet

The Time Sheet allows the administrators to record the work hours, tasks performed, and other additional details related to their work activities of the field agents. This section serves as a central repository for capturing and tracking the time spent by field agents on different job assignments and tasks throughout their workday.

To create timesheet,

  1. Navigate to the Time Sheet section. The All Time Sheets screen appears with the list of available time sheets as shown below.

  2. Click Create Time Sheet. The Time Sheet screen appears as shown below.

  3. Update the following fields in this screen:

    • Field Agent - The field agent to carry out the service request or a trip
    • Appointment - The service appointment scheduled for the field agent to work
    • Start Time - The time at which the work must begin
    • End Time - The time at which the work must end
    • Tasks - The specific activity to be performed as part of a service
  4. Click Submit. The time sheet is added to the All Time Sheets list.

When the field agent starts work by clicking Start Work from the assigned appointment in the Appointment section, the time sheet status of that agent in the details screen is updated as In Progress as shown below.

Similarly, once the work is completed or canceled, the status is updated as Completed.