Managing Portfolio and Territory
The Portfolio module of the application allows users to effectively manage both Portfolio and Territory sections. In the Portfolio section, users can establish virtual connections and gain insights into the layout of geographically dispersed organizational structures. This allows for detailed management of various components. Users can add sites and buildings, and link associated details such as spaces, floors, assets, and other relevant information.
Whereas, the Territory section functions as designated service areas where field services are provided by the organization. The field agents are allocated to these territories to address service requests within their respective regions. In this section, users can add territories, associate sites and field agents to manage operations efficiently.
To access this module, click the
(Portfolio) icon in the sidebar menu. By default, the Portfolio section appears as shown below.
This screen provides an insight about the available number of sites, buildings, floors, and spaces.
The upcoming sections explain how to add and manage the portfolio management and territory management aspects, and other functionalities included in this module.