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Viewing Inventory Details

You can view the details associated with the item, tool, storeroom, item type, and tool type by clicking on the preferred record. The information is grouped into Summary, Transactions, and Inventory sections for better clarity.

Note:The grouped information and sections displayed differs with respect to the selected section from the Inventory module.

A sample illustration of viewing the details of a storeroom from the Storeroom section is explained below.


The Summary section displays the basic details that include name of the site where the storeroom is located, name of the person managing the storeroom, number of item types, number of tool types, time of creation, and the serving sites. You can also add Notes, Comments, and attach relevant Documents to include additional information.


The Inventory section displays a complete record of the items and tools associated with the storeroom. In addition, you can also perform actions like adjusting bulk items, adding bulk items/tools, adding items/tools, and much more.


The Transactions section displays a complete record of the transactions involving the acquisition of items and tools from the storeroom. In addition, you can also perform actions such as issuing available items/tools, issuing reserved items/tools, issuing items/tools to a user, and returning items/tools.

Note:The Type column in this section is updated based on the addition and adjustment of items/tools in the Inventory section and based on the selected type of item issuance in the Transactions section.