OData API Configuration
Open Data Protocol (OData) is a data access protocol for querying and updating data. It prefers mechanisms that work on an extensive range of data sources. OData applies and is built on web technologies such as Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), Extensible Markup Language (XML), and JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) to provide access to information from various programs. Its influence over numerous data-related applications and technologies makes real-time data consumption and integration among the applications seamless.
OData Architecture
The major components that constitute the OData architecture are listed below: The OData modelOverview
OData is a web protocol acting as an inter-app navigator, carrying data from one app to another. Facilio comes up withManaging OData Configuration
OData helps the users to interface with a backend, be it for a frontend or any other integrationIntegrating Facilio Data
Many organizations prefer the products or applications supporting data integration owing to their requirement to combineKey Limitations of OData Usage in Facilio
Many organizations prefer the products or applications supporting data integration owing to their requirement to combineSignificance Of OData Usage
OData facilitates sharing data across other applications and tools effortlessly and securely. The importance