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Facilio's Service Request module enables users to raise complaints and seek solutions through different channels. Users can log support tickets through their Tenant or Occupant portal/application or directly communicate their queries to the facility team through the help center email. The module is designed for ease of use, intelligently converting user-sent emails to service requests based on the admin settings configuration. It also captures and archives email conversations, allowing viewing and tracking of customer interactions and overall progress.

This module is efficiently designed to seamlessly integrate with other pertinent modules within the application, addressing diverse customer needs. For example, you can apply service level agreements to prioritize and streamline the execution of service requests, incorporate surveys to gather valuable customer feedback, configure approvals to authorize specific actions, and implement additional features to enhance the overall functionality of the module. Read the Managing Associable Modules section for more information.

The application also offers the Service Catalog module, which provides a comprehensive and structured collection of all the services available for consumption or request within an organization. It allows users or customers of the organization to easily browse and request services they require, understanding what each service entails.

Moreover, the application allows facility managers to convert service requests into work orders when they require execution by a specific service provider, such as maintenance or repair teams.

In addition, the application offers distinct modules to upload support documents and service contacts, enabling customers to self-resolve issues without requiring external assistance.